Saturday, June 29, 2013

No More Itsy Bitsy!

My friend sent me this link and it made me want to shout, "I am not alone!!!"  Two years ago we visited Michigan in the summer time.  I knew what I would see on the beach would be disheartening but I was very disappointed when I couldn't tell the difference in the way Christians dress and dress their children.  Yes, I admit I wore a bikini when I was a teen and probably inappropriately dressed at times.  Did I know it at the time?  Deep down, yes.  I knew it got attention and I liked it.  Was it wrong?  Yes.  Is it ultimately our brothers in the Lord who need to control their minds, yes, but it is our responsibility to not cause them to stumble.  As I grew older and grew in the Lord I realized I was wrong and changed my ways.  I really don't think God wants us walking around in nothing different than a bra and underwear leaving nothing for the imagination.  I choose to dress in a way that is appropriate, that I feel beautiful, and can even be sexy FOR MY HUSBAND.  God did make us beautiful.  But our beauty starts in the inside.  I have heard the excuse many times that you can't find one piece suits.  With the age of tankinies it is a choose.  We have a choose.  And we as mothers need to choose for our girls and teach them to choose to honor God and their bodies.  Why would we want guys looking at our daughters with lust?  Why would we want our sons or husbands to be tempted - even when they go to church?  We need to stop and think.  Choose wisely.  Honoring and loving God, ourselves, and our brothers more than our cultural ways.  No more itsy bitsy!        

Please take a moment and listen to this youtube by Jessica Rey and share it with others.

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