Saturday, July 6, 2013

What our teens have taught me

July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July – one day late.  How thankful I am that our country was founded on the Lord God.  I know it is the reason our country has been so blessed.  I pray we do not continue to kick God out of our nation because the Bible is clear about those consequences.  I pray for God’s people to stand up for God and the truth found in His Word.  Freedom is a gift.  May we not take it forgrated.  

We celebrated the forth with our team and American friends.  We started the day with a breakfast buffet at Soroti Hotel, played kickball in the afternoon, and had a potluck and campfire in the evening.  Our teammate Steve even set up 50 sparkler candles spelling out “USA”.  We enjoyed our day until the rain ended our fun abruptly.  Oh well we need the rain too.

I had a ladies birthday party and goodbye party for our teammates.  It was bittersweet I guess.  I went with a bamboo theme and put it all over the room with candles, a fountain, and music.  I love atmosphere!  The ladies shares good food, laughter and tears.  It is important to encourage one another, appreciate and celebrate each other, and say goodbye well.

We had a crazy week.  Sunday Autumn had been sick about 10 days, on medicine and still spiked a 104 degree fever.  So we made the call and decided to go 7 hours into Kampala to get lab work done and find out what was wrong.  I had knots in my stomach about it.  It brought back memories of going when Luka was sick.  I knew Autumn wasn’t that sick but I still didn’t like it.  I didn’t want to leave Josh, Jimmy, and my kids here alone, but we also wanted to do what was best for Autumn and treat her as our own child.  So our teammate and nurse, Jennifer, Autumn, Zephie, Emalai, and I went to Kampala.  I am so thankful God answered every prayer and provided a really smooth journey.  Everything went so well.  We were at the hospital all afternoon but by evening we were confirmed that Autumn had a virus.  She was also doing better and did not have another fever.  I know God healed her!  We prayed and He answered.  So the next day we traveled another 7 hours back to Soroti.  By the time we got home my butt hurt, Emalai was done being trapped in, and we were all glad to be back home – healthy.   

Side note, on our road trip to Kampala we saw the biggest Nile Perch I have ever seen.  I have heard about them but now I have seen one.  It was on the back of a motorcycle and it was probably 4 to 5 feet and almost 100lbs!  Wow, what a sight!

We had an earthquake the other night.  Most of my family didn’t even notice but I just got in bed and it was shaking.  Josh told me it was probably just a truck but we have been in another earthquake and a truck doesn’t shake your bed.  Sure enough the next morning people were talking about the earthquake.  It was small but what a weird feeling.

We had a surprise birthday party for Jimmy.  He turns 19 July 15 when he enters boot camp.  He went with Josh teaching Friday so the girls and I went to work getting ready.  We decorated the house, made a cake, birthday shirt, and got his present ready.  When they arrived home and he opened the garage we blasted him with water balloons and yelled, "surprise!"  He was!  We had a fun night celebrating -- birthday bingo and all.

Our teens are preparing to leave us.  Kinda mixed emotions on our end.  It has been a blessing!  But we are tired and ready to be our quiet family again.  I love Autumn, Zephie, and Jimmy.  I am so thankful they were willing to open up to us and share some very hard things.  I appreciate their new faith, getting to know God’s Word, and learning to live it out.  I am grateful for their help teaching and loving our children.  I am thankful for their good attitudes and flexibility.  I enjoy the fun we had together playing games, talking, and just sharing life.  God was so right.  He clearly put it on our heart to let these three teens come and be apart of our family and ministry.  I am so glad we obeyed.  What a blessing it was to love on our three teens from Lake City!

We have been staying up way too late with our teens either playing games or having really good talks.  I tell Josh it is worth it and really good but by morning I need my coffee!  I also took time to be with each of the girls.  I have been so touched by their stories.  My heart is so full of sadness and anger I want to pretend I didn’t know what happens in this world.  At the same time my heart rejoices at the hope, healing, power, and peace Jesus can bring.  He is real and true!  People can be changed and saved by Him!  I can not express it enough dear Christians, we have to be sharing the good new of Jesus in this world!!!  I think about all the churches in our home area and then about all the lost, broken, hurt, unloved people and it just doesn’t make sense.  Don’t get me wrong, I know it is in the church too.  We are all called to love the Lord and to love others.  To go into all the world and preach the gospel.  To be the salt and light of the world.  To lay down our lives, pick up our cross and follow Him.  Yes, it will take time, selflessness, maybe tears, and frustration.  But I am telling you there are people in their homes suffering, angry, and very hurt.  They are probably people hard to love.  Or they are putting on the best fake they can.  Behind those door there is abuse, addictions, hunger, loneliness, fear…  Who will love them?  Who will take time to care?  Who will listen?  Who will help?  Who will bring them to Jesus?  There is no greater reward, no greater joy in this life than to walk with someone as they meet Jesus.  As they find forgiveness, healing, grace, hope, and love in their Savior.  As their lives change because they know their Father.  Oh, church get up and walk next door and befriend someone who need you.

We leave tomorrow after church for Jinja where we will spend the night and enjoy.  Then we will head the rest of the way into Kampala.  The teens fly out Tuesday evening.  We plan to take a couple days to rest and have fun as a family before heading back to Soroti on Friday.  Pray all goes well with our travels and goodbyes.  Emalai has a really bad cold and couldn’t even nurse today, so pray for her too.  By the way she is crawling all over now!

Thanks everyone!
BIG Nile Perch!

Jimmy's Birthday Party!

Enjoying his present - cookies!

Emalai enjoyed new food traveling - kept her quiet  but messy!

Ladies Lunch

Malai is 6 months old

and crawling!

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