Sunday, December 15, 2013


We are living in our new home in Obulle!

Thank you for all your prayers!  I know you have been waiting to hear (and see) what is going on, but we do not have internet and barely have cell phone coverage at our house in the village so be patient as we get that figured out soon.  We are in Mbale now enjoying our last weekend with Larry and Suzanne before they leave (and a birthday get away - I turn 35 today!) so I thought I would put out a quick update.

Monday we moved.  It was a long, crazy kinda day but we did it with the help of our wonderful teammates and friends - THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I was humbled by every ones help and love for us.  I was so thankful.  By evening we went to bed at our new house.  Wow, what a milestone.  The next day I unpacked things and put up our Christmas decorations, while the kids played with their friends, and Josh and Larry plugged along at all the little jobs to be done.  I told Josh I know we will have bad days out here but today is not one of them, I love it here!

It was a VERY busy week making home, finishing the work on our home, and our churches annual conference, BUT it was a great week too.  I am amazed at the peace and joy we all have living in our new home and in the village.  In the mist of what can look like chaos sometime, I am so happy.  It is so good to be home!

I was thankful for many visits from teammates and friends this week too.  (Thank you so much for the meals - what a gift!!!)  It is so fun to show them our home. By the end of the week we had our first hot dog roast in the fireplace on the porch and Larry and Suzanne were our first guests in the guesthouse.

We walked to church each day to visit the conference going on.  How nice to come and go as we need to and not have to plan and drive a half an hour.  I love being with our church family and friends.  And this week God was at work once again.  Josh taught the youth one day and the Spirit was on the move.  The conference was on missions this year and Josh, his translator and the youth were all in tears committing themselves to go where God wanted to send them.  Awesome!  Josh has been praying for years for God to rise up the church here to do missions and it seems God is showing us the beginnings to the answer of that prayer.  I said it before and I see it again, that Charles from our church is going to be sent by God.  Josh told me Tuesday he told Charles maybe we would go somewhere together.  Those two are some of the most humble, god fearing men I know so it will be a might force for the Lord.  Thursday we joined the church for baptisms.  I love baptism day.  It is so beautiful and joyous here.  To see God's family grow touches me every time and causes me to rejoice.  I love being apart of it all.  Praise the Lord He is doing great things!

So thank you again for praying for us.  Many times this week I looked outside at our peaceful village, sat on our porch and took in the sunset, enjoyed looking at our Christmas tree and listening to Christmas music, watched the gift of a gentle rain fall, listened to the kids sing with their friends...and thanked God we were home.  What a journey.  I was happy to get up in the morning and enjoy being at our new home, excited to take a shower under my beautiful rock waterfall, and happy to go to bed at night at our new home.  :)  Keep us in your prayers as we figure out issues we still have at the house.  Most importantly would be our solar fridge which isn't working how it should.  It is an expensive and important part of life.  Josh feels ill equipped and so if we can't figure it out it becomes quite stressful.  We hope to be in touch soon (pray for internet and phone service) and will put pictures on the blog too.

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