Sunday, December 8, 2013


Well the big day has finally arrived.  Tomorrow we plan to move to our home in Obulle.  

Pray for us as we transition.  I feel like we have been in transition for three months already and I know we have a couple months to go before we are really settled in.  I am SO thankful we know God wants us to live in Obulle otherwise we might back out with all the stress.  Today while packing I told Josh I don't know if I'm suppose to be excited or sad.  The next thing I knew I was crying.  I love our home.  We feel comfortable here, safe, and it is nice.  We have great memories here.  Luka seems to be feeling the mixed emotions too.  He is kinda weepy over small things right now.  Overall though, my kids are doing better than I am.  They are so excited we are moving tomorrow.

I wish I could say our home in Obulle is all ready for us, but it's not exactly.  The screens are in the windows but the glass isn't, the sinks are in but no running water yet (there hasn't been rain so no water, so we paid a man to fill our tank), I have shelves in the closets but only one of the cupboards in the kitchen, I have floors but they are still so dusty dirty...  So why are we moving in tomorrow?  Because this family can not stand to live in limbo any longer.  I would rather make home there around some things that still need to be done than continue to live in the stress of having two homes 30min. apart.  And this mommy needs to enjoy Christmas!  I know not everyone understands but I really want to put up all my decorations and enjoy this beautiful season.  It is so special - and so short.  Josh too wants to move so he can use Larry to finish up what needs to get done and find out the things that need adjustments before he goes.

So ready or not here we go.

Please pray for us.  We have all been sick lately and now Josh and I have both had stomach issues today.  May God give us strength.  Pray for us as we move to the village and adjust to less conveniences and learn how to live differently.  We look forward to being with our friends there and more involved in their lives and ministry.  May God be glorified in all this.

Thanks everyone

1 comment:

  1. Mandy,
    Praying the move is going good! My girls have a box that they would like to send your girls for Christmas. What is your new address? Or should I use your old address? Thanks, Jodie Postma (Pen Pal's Mom ;)
