Saturday, December 7, 2013

Almost there...

What a week...actually what a few weeks it has been.  Many of you prayed for our sick kids and we are so thankful they are all doing better.  Thank you for praying.  We think Malai had Roseola and/or Malaria.  It was pretty scary to see your baby with a 104 plus fever.  She tested positive for Malaria but also broke out into a rash once the fever broke.  She was pretty cranky and didn't eat all week (thankfully she kept nursing) but she is finally back to her self today.  Even walking again!  Grace and Luka got the flu on Monday but thankfully it only lasted 24 hours.  Now pray no one else gets sick and we can remain healthy!
On top of all that, the house continues.  I think we are moving in Monday.  Sometimes I go there and am so excited and think it is ready and other times I look around and see little things everywhere to be done.  I just want it clean and the workers to be out!  The real delay is the windows but I can't get started with how I feel about that guy right now because it makes me all upset!  I would just like things done right, but this is Africa.
We had a thank you meal for all the workers who worked on our house today.  It was an unexpected blessing.  I think everyone was touched.  Josh and I shared how God called us to live in Obulle and why we wanted to live with them.  I was moved to tears talking about our love for the people there, how God has built our house, and how thankful we are for each of them.  I also cried thanking Larry and Suzanne forcoming.  Although the people don't always know what to do with my kind of tears, I really sensed they knew how much we love them.  Larry also shared with tears thanking everyone and telling them how important they all are.  Josh talked about how our house was built in three months but how God has been preparing a home for us for 2 thousand years and proceeded to share the gospel message.  We wanted to make sure any unsaved worker heard the good news.  We had a beautiful time of singing and then a time of prayer for our home and our relationships with one other.  The whole thing was very special.  People walked through the house to see it and we all eat together (bought a pig!).  I know God was glorified today.
The head worker on our house, Martin, was bit by a cobra this week.  We picked him up to come today because he can't walk.  It is a miracle he is alive!  His foot looks like it is going to burst open from the swelling.  They did some weird stuff to stop the venom - like drinking kerosene! 
We ended our day today with Christmas carols with our team and friends.  I love singing Christmas songs.
So, I will let you know if we make the move Monday.  Pray for our transition. 
Everyone who help build our home - Thanks!

My sick baby - so thankful she is well again

I just had to take a picture of my sick little ones

Jar lights for above the island in the kitchen

Josh and Larry working on water tanks and plumbing

Josh and Tim putting up lighting rods

Nap time

My rock shower
screening the porch

Posho and Pork



Speaking at our thank you party for the workers and their wives

Lucy and Suzanne (Lucy make matching dresses for her and her American friend)

Cleaning up the place

Creative touches beginning

One of many loads to Obulle

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