Saturday, March 22, 2014

10 days and counting...

First of all thank you everyone for praying for our family and all our sickness!  It was no fun having 4 of us sick at one time, but God is Healer.  We were encouraged by the care and prayers of God’s people.  Thanks.  Now we pray we all remain healthy.

Not only did God heal our sicknesses but He sent RAIN!  What a blessing to be cooled off and be relieved of the heat and dust and refreshed with clouds and water.  I know my attitude has changed because of it.  Praise the Lord for rain!

Unfortunately, it now looks like we may be back to dry season.  It has been almost a week since rain and the sun is back to full heat.  Hopefully rain will come again and water the fields people have begun to plow.

We are down to 10 days before we leave Obulle and travel to the States for three months.  With sickness and the heat our moral became pretty low and we are all ready for a break.  We are so excited to be renewed and refreshed in MI!  We can’t wait to be with our families.  But there are still times when we are torn with emotions.  Leaving here is hard too – it’s our home, what we know, and people we love.  Last night we watched a little March Madness at our friends house complete with commercials from America.  Watching ads on cars, food, and seeing the culture again almost put me into culture shock.  Am I ready for this?!  I live in a village in Africa, so America is quite the extreme difference even though I grew up there.  I guess it will have its good things and bad things just like here.  And just like here I will need to remain close to Jesus to handle it.  

It also means it is our last week with Sarah, our teacher.  Boy will we miss her!!!  Pray for our kids as they wrap up school here (and prepare for school in MI) and realize it is the end of their time with Sarah.  Keep praying God will provide the right teacher for next year too.  

Thanks for praying for us!  See you soon!

Just some pictures of Obulle center

Got pork?

Local "Meijers"

Women selling produce

Malai loves to read with Sarah!


Playing with neighbor kids

Sarah's Bible study with youth at church

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