Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pray for Health

Dear friends,

Our family has now had sickness in our home for four weeks.  It started with Josh having Strep Throat and Malai having a week with fever and cough.  Then Grace cut her foot and later had to start on antibiotic.  I then had Strep Throat and was out of commission for five days.  Josh got a mystery rash on his back that itches terribly.  Then Malai had a fever again, Sarah was sick a day and Grace had a fever and stomach pain again.  Now Luka has 102 fever and we presume Strep Throat, Lydia has 104 fever and I seem to have a fever and nausea again. 

On top of all the sickness it has been over a 100 degrees here everyday and dry.  Let me tell you, having a fever when it is so hot out is miserable.  When you shiver and need a blanket in this weather something is wrong!  

I really am trying not to complain, but we are all quite down right now.  We were looking forward to our last three weeks before home service but we feel stuck at home.  We want to go to church, teach, see our friends, teammates...go swimming to cool off!  But we can't do anything.

We know the enemy wants discourage us and our ministry, relationships and team.  We are praying with authority over our home and family!  Josh also returned from outreach from an unreached area in karamoja so we know there are spiritual strongholds there too.

Like I said, I know we have SO much to be thankful for -- we are so blessed.  God is with us!  When I think of the Christian dying for their faith in N. Korea I am embarrassed to write this email.  But the fact is we need your prayers.  Right now Luka is wiped out on the floor sleeping and Lydia is sweating on the couch with a high fever.  Please join us in praying for healing and health over our whole family.

Thanks you.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for rest and restoration and health for you all. I'm thinking about Easter and can't wait to see you all then... One day at a time. God bless you.
