Saturday, September 20, 2014


Thank you again for praying for us this week.  It is not fun being sick especially far from comforts and good medical services.  We could have used Grandma a few times this week.  We are thankful for teammates who fed us and cared for us.  

We praise God for healing!  He heard every prayer and His power worked healing in Emalai's body.  She is almost back to normal and we are giving God the glory.  Last night was her first fever free night.  Pray with us that she now sleeps peacefully, all night, and under a bed net.
As for me, I am better but not well.  I am thankful to be up now and gaining strength, but I still feel nauseous at times and there is a funny pain that runs down my legs keeping me from sitting some times.  I really don't know what is going on but I know I am not myself yet.  Pray for full healing so we can get back to some kind of normal around here.

Thank you for bringing us before the Great Physician this week!

Mandy (and family)

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