Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Thank you for praying for us.  Malai seemed to be doing better but yesterday morning she slept and slept.  Then we realized she had a fever of 104.5 degrees.  We began praying over her and took her to our nurse teammate to check for Malaria.  The test came back positive for all forms of Malaria.  We started the treatment already.

It seems Malai had what Mandy had and, because of her weakened body, Malaria was able to attack her too.  (She has been on anti malarial medicine but we were switching from one to another and it seems the week gap was just enough to let Malaria attack.) 

Please pray for the fever to lower (it has on Tylenol thankfully), that Malai drinks and doesn't get dehydrated, and is healed from Malaria quickly and completely.

Honestly it has been a miserable four days.  Mandy was down and out with fever (chills, then sweats), aching, and a headache that made her head want to explode.  Yesterday she was weak and got very nauseous when she tried to be up, but her back is killing from laying down.  It is hard on the whole family when mom is sick.  Josh has stepped in as Mr. Mom but he ready to hand that back to her.  We are both down after these long, yucky days.  Thankfully, Mandy is well enough to be up today with naps here and there.  (She was also tested for Malaria and it was negative.)

Every time one of our children gets sick here (far from good medical care) we get scared.  We continue to call on the healing power of Jesus.  Thanks again for praying. It is a blessing to feel your care and covered in prayer.

Update Wednesday:
Thanks for your prayers.  There has been some improvement in both Mandy and Emalai, but we ask you continue to pray for each of them.
Mandy ate supper last night - her first meal since Friday.  She is able to be up some of the time, but still has waves of nausea.  Her body still aches as well.  She has to lay down numerous times a day.

Emalai is feeling well enough to complain now.  Her fever is down now with the help of tylenol.  Yesterday tylenol did not really help so it is a step in the right direction.

Thanks for your prayers.

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