Wednesday, July 22, 2015

By Faith...

Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.
By faith we believe God created the world by His command.
By faith Able gave his best to God.
By faith Enoch pleased God and it is impossible to please God without faith in the One you believe in.
By faith Noah obeyed and built an ark.
By faith Abraham obeyed and went.
By faith became a father because he knew the One who promised was faithful.
They lived by faith until they died.  Many never received the things promised to them, but they saw and welcomed them.  They longed for a better home – a heavenly one.  God was not ashamed to be called their God.
By faith Abraham offered Isaac.
By faith Moses’ parents hid him and did not fear the king.
By faith Moses refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.  He chose to be mistreated with his people rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.  He was looking ahead to his heavenly reward.  By faith he left Egypt not fearing.  He persevered because he saw God.
What more shall we say?  Through faith kingdoms were conquered, weaknesses turned to strength, became powerful in battles, others were tortured to gain a better resurrection, chained, stoned, sawed in two, persecuted and mistreated…the world wasn’t worthy of them.  They were all commended for their faith, yet none received what had been promised.  God had planned something better for them and us.    

I don’t know about you but I am truly inspired by this list in Hebrews 11.  I mean I am pumped up and hope someday God writes a verse 40, “By faith Mandy…”   

Faith is confidence in what you believe is true.  It is putting your trust in something.  It is hoping in what you believe.  It leads to action. 

Look back at the words in bold.  Faith caused belief, people to give, obedience, to go, offer, not to fear… The key to faith is knowing the one you put your faith in is trustworthy and true.  You cannot trust what you do not know.  Heb. 11:11 Abraham had faith and believed God because he knew the one who made the promised is faithful.  Abraham knew God and could trust Him.

And when you know the One you have faith in, you obey.  Faith brings obedience. 

A few years ago as we were preparing to come back to Uganda, I understood these truths more than ever.  We had really enjoyed our time in Michigan, we were close to our families, connected with friends, involved in church, and now were days away from leaving it all again.  We were uprooting our children again and taking our new born baby away from grandparents.  My emotions were everywhere.  Fear could have easily set in.  I desired to stay where it was comfortable.  I was sad.  It was then I realized I had a choice.  Would I obey God and go back to where He called us or not?  Did I trust the One who called us enough to obey?  Everything I said I believed would now need action.  If I know God is my protector, my provider, wants what is best for me, hold the plan for my life, is my Lord, in control…then I can trust Him and obey.  By faith in God, who is trustworthy, I could obey and go.

Faith is knowing you can trust God and causes us to obey (action).  The opposite of faith is not believing God and disobedience.

Hebrews goes on to say in chapter 12, since we have all these great examples in chapter 11 of faith, get rid of everything that keeps you from faith, the sins that entangle you and follow the plan God has for you.  Persevere.  Put your focus on Jesus!  Put your faith in Him who is trustworthy.  He is the author of your faith and the One who makes your faith perfect.  With joy Jesus endured the cross, shame and sat down at God’s right hand (the work was finished!).  Remember what Christ endured so that you will not grow weary and loose heart.  Put your faith in God.      

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