Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sickness Again

I am trying hard not to think about you all today and the summer fun you may be enjoying.  The beauty of the beach, fun of camping, joy of summer cook outs, cooling off in the lake...being together.  No offence but it sounds like the easy, nice life at this moment.  I am trying not to be jealous.  I know you all have your problems too.  I just wish we had family and friends and comforts right now.

So, once again sickness plagues our family.  Josh has been sick since Tuesday night with what appears to be strep throat.  He is really miserable.  His throat looks awful - swollen, red, and white clumps.  He hurts with every swallow and word.  He has fevers of 102 and shakes when he gets them.  Today is the first day he hasn't gotten a fever and hasn't taken Tylenol to control them.  We put him on Amox right away on Wednesday but it didn't seem to do anything so finally yesterday we started another antibiotic.  It is so hard to know what to do.  We have been in contact with a couple doctors, there are no tests for strep or mono within 6 hours of here, and we are pretty sure it is strep anyways.  Josh is sick of being sick.  It can sure get you down and lead to boredom when you aren't well enough to do anything but not down enough to do nothing.

On top of that Grace got sick Thursday.  Fever and vomiting -- no sore throat (she doesn't have tonsils anymore).  She stared to feel better yesterday but hasn't really eaten in a couple days (thankfully, she does drink).  Now today she has stomach pain, which brings nausea.  She just cries cause she doesn't want to be sick.  She has some diarrhea so it seems the pain is from that.   I just don't ever know what to do?!

The rest of us are well in comparison.  It seems three or four of us are constantly dealing with sinus/allergy issues.  Nothing major just bothersome.

We are praying.  God is with us and will again heal us.  It is a life of relying on Him and knowing Him as our faithful Father and powerful healer.  We are also praying the rest of us stay healthy.

I am amazed at the positive attitudes of our children.  We were suppose to go to Jinja today to meet with friends, go fishing, and just have fun away for a weekend.  But of course we had to cancel all that.  Monday we are support to be in Mbale with friends so we are hoping that can still happen.  

Thanks for letting me share with you.  I know it is a bit of a downer, but I have to be real.  I always feel better knowing we are being prayed for.  Like I said, I know God will heal our family once more!

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