Thursday, December 17, 2015

Birthday Prayer

I enjoyed a very happy 37th birthday this week.  As I was praying on my birthday, I was touched by God's truth about me.  When we stop and speak truth there is power, love, peace, assurance, and empowers me.  I wanted to share my prayer (I write my prayers in a journal) and want to encourage you to put yourself in the prayer because these same truths are yours in Christ.  Be empowered by God's pleasure and love for you, His personal design of you, and His purpose and plan He already has for you.  You are His child and your life belongs to Him.

Father, thank you for creating me.  Before the world began You uniquely designed who I would be.  It is so amazing that there is no one else exactly like me.  You, God, thought up and created me.  You know what words I would speak, planned all I would do, and you delighted in me before anyone knew of me.  God it's too great to wrap my mind around!  I was your plan before I was my Dad and Mom's desire.  You put me together in the secret place in my mother.  You lovingly, gently, and amazingly put me together and formed me just how you wanted.  I am made by the Creator, perfectly, and in His image.  You called me, made me Your child, long for me, forgave and saved me because You love me.  You desire to be in relationship with me and know me totally.  You call me holy, child, beloved.  You desire to use me and have sent me to be Your messenger.  You never leave me.  You are my Father.  Nothing can separate us.  You protect me, provide for me, You lead me, You are my peace, joy, strength, help and truth.  You live in me.  Thank you God for my life which has meaning, purpose and worth because of You.  I love you Lord.

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