Friday, December 18, 2015

Tis' the Season

We did a first ever and put up our Christmas tree the weekend before Christmas.
It was our first snow, it was beautiful, and it got us in the Christmas spirit.

This is the first snow Malai has seen since she was a newborn.

Unfortunately, our snow only lasted a weekend and we have not had any since.

We saw a beautiful pheasant by my parents house

Josh shot a (small) 6 point

I was able to have a Ladies Christmas Tea!

Katie, Kelly, Carolyn, Amy and I
My parents when with the kids and I to the Henry Ford Museum and to Greenfield Village.
This is the bus Rosa Parks sat on.

The chair Abraham Lincoln was shot in.

The car Kennedy was shot in.

Ice skating at Greenfield Village

We had a team Christmas party with our fellow Ugandan missionaries
Hudsonville Christian School had their Christmas program this week.
It was Luka's first time being in a program.  He was a little nervous.
He was so serious but once they started singing he sang his heart out!

Grace, being a 5th grader, was the back row of over 500 kids.
Thankfully we got a few glimpses of her!

I loved watching Luka worship the Lord with songs and motions!

Thank you HCS for the beautiful worship of the New Born King!
Lydia's Christmas choir concert for HCMS

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