Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Answered Prayers

Thank you for all your prayers!  We are all up and about.  My ear is still healing.  It is plugged and I can't hear out of it but that should be restored in a couple weeks once the hole in the ear drum is healed.  We are finding our routine here and beginning to adjust to life here.  It has been a long month, but we have survived.  We constantly call on the Lord and trust in Him.

I just wanted to post a few pictures since I am finally well enough and we have internet to do it.  More soon I hope...

Ready to fly

Amsterdam Airport

Our little tired Dutch kids

6 and a half hour drive to our home in Obulle

Our Welcome home party

Yeah, pork and posho!

This was the scene at our house the first week.
Sickness hit everyone in our family.

1 comment:

  1. Our family from Cadillac, MI has been praying for you daily. We're so happy to hear that you are feeling better and adjusting to life back in Uganda. We've enjoyed when you've come to our church to visit and have been encouraged by your testimony and commitment to your work in Africa. We'll continue to pray for you. Blessings! The Tonello Family
