Sunday, March 6, 2016


I really did not want to write another blog asking for prayer because for sickness, but here we go again.

Last night Josh said he ached all over.  Sure enough during the night he was cold (even though it was NOT cold) and feverish.  This morning Josh AND Lydia did not get out of bed.  They both have fevers, sore throats, and just don't feel well.  I asked Jennifer, missionary nurse, if she could come and look at their throats.  She came and confirmed that they both have tonsillitis (maybe strep).

Oh bummer.  We are trying not to be discouraged.  We were all well for a nice long week and now we wonder if we will ever live here without sicknesses.  Is it just a part of life here, is it attacks and discouragement from the enemy, or testing?  Both times Josh taught since we have been back in Obulle he got sick the next day.  

So we continue to pray and persevere.  We know God as our Healer and Protector.  He is with us and faithful.  Pray that the tonsillitis is not passed on to anyone else and that Josh and Lydia heal and recover quickly.  It is 95 degrees in our house each day right now so it is difficult not being sick.  One more note, my ear drum has healed but there is still fluid in the tubes that is causing it be to plugged and not hear well.  I am at higher risk of another ear infection if we don't get rid of the fluid so I am on decongestants trying to get rid of it.  Praying I can hear again soon!

Thanks once again for joining us in prayer for heal for our family.

Oh, Luci who helps us has also been sick.  She was told she has Bursilosis.  We are praying for her recovery.  And one more prayer request, our solar refrigerator is not working properly.  It says it is 99 degrees inside but actually everything is frozen inside.  Just another frustration.  We are waiting for a part to arrive that will HOPEFULLY repair the problem.    

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