Friday, June 24, 2016

Our Village Life

I have so many great pictures that just begin to give taste of our lives in the village.
I love the peaceful setting, beautiful creation, and most of all our friends.
Emalai and Lusi

Grace fits right in here and isn't afraid to do new things.
Here she is helping her friends plant g-nuts (peanuts).

Just had to add a friend from our yard :)
She just makes me laugh sometimes!

In town Malai decided to carry African style.

Sometimes our girls put together choirs with their friends.  It is a joy to watch and listen to.
Malai was cracking me up this time!!!  She was so into dancing :)

What I love it that our kids don't care a bit how much they stand out.
All they see is their friends.

Malai teaching her friends

Every day the kids play football (soccer).

Luka LOVES it!

Doing dishes at the neighbors

Luka helping his friend heard the cows.

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