Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A little catching up...

I love that man

We are all so thankful for Josh!  Every morning you will find him reading God's Word, memorizing Scripture, and praying for the nations.  Each night you will find him going into each of his sleeping kids room to pray for them.  We are blessed because of a Godly husband and father.  He is a selfless leader in our home always giving of himself.  He spends time with us, plays and helps his kids and even makes all of us laugh with his silly humor.  We love you Josh and are thankful for your example of our Heavenly Father you give us!

Josh and I were able to go on a coffee tour.  It was interesting seeing the process from tree, roasting to drinking.  The tour was at a home of a local Uganda in Sipi.  It was a cultural experience for sure.

Dried coffee beans - I didn't know they started out whiteish/greenish.

Smell them roasting?!  Mmm!

Grounding the coffee beans by hand.

Fresh brewed coffee.

Our homemade coffee!  It was dark, rich and strong.  That is my kind of coffee!
Josh taught in Butalayja last month.  It was the first time he went and stayed at a new place to teach for a few days.  The kids and I did great -- must be the kids are older now and I am at home here now.  I want to be Josh's encourager.  He has a gift of teaching God's truth in a way people understand and receive it.  He needs to continue to go and share.  It was exciting to hear the testimonies of the people - like, "This can change my life!"  Praise God, He can and will!  

We were blessed to be with our FinC Africa director, Howard and Aileen, for a 4 day retreat in Kampala.  Josh and Howard were able to do a one day intro to Freedom in Christ in Kampala.  About 50 to 80 people were suppose to come and 180 people ended up coming!  We were encouraged by Howard and Aileen, we relaxed and had fun together, and got to know one another better.  Howard and Aileen are becoming known to our kids as their African grandparents.  They love on all of us and we love them.

This is a "rocket stove" I guess.  We gave one to the women's leader at our church to try.  This stove is suppose to use less wood, not smoke and the heat is used to charge a phone or light a lamp.  I have a great concern for the women here who all cook inside of a hut that fills with smoke. Their eyes and bodies are effected by daily cooking in this smoke.  I even think about all the smoke that goes to their babies when they are pregnant (which is about every other year for 18 years!)  What a blessing no smoke would be to my friends here!  There is also a problem of deforestation so using less wood would be great stewardship.  But change doesn't come easily here and money is always an concern.  We will see what happens with this and keep praying for ways to help the women here.

The charger on this stove is the thing people really like.  It saves them money not to have to bring their phones to the center to pay to be charged.

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