Wednesday, August 17, 2016


I am sending this out asking for prayer.

Many of you remember Achia.  Achia is little girl with many disablities, is blind, couldn't walk, and was sickly.  Her family is Karamojan and was living here for work (herding cattle for money).  Anyways, we were able to help Achia last year and see great improvements with love, help and food.  Achia's parents even accepted the Lord as their Savior through it all.

It is with great pain that I write about Achia today.  We have not seen Achia since last August before we left for the States.  They moved back to Karamoja while we were gone because everyone had to go back to there homes for elections.  Tonight Achia came with her mother, Regina.  I would not have recognized Achia she is skin and bones.  A five and a half years old and is as small as a baby.  She is literally starving to death (so PLEASE don't use that phrase because you are not and some people truly are!).  Regina said they are back in the area because there is totally no food in Karamoja.  Achia wont eat and has only water.  

 I feel sick.  I don't know what to do.  I hurt.  Poverty like this is horrifying.  I hate it.

We gave Regina milk for Achia and food for the family to eat tonight.  We plan to bring Achia to Amecet tomorrow to see if they can help.  We prayed over them.  I could hardly pray because I was crying - crying out to God.  Regina and Charles were crying with me.  

Grace was outside with us and also troubled by it all.  We talked about it that God can still heal Achia and if He takes her home then she will be healed too.  Grace right away said but she isn't saved.  I assured her that God is good and we can trust Him.  These are big thoughts for children.

Please pray with us for Achia and her family.  I know that her mother loves and hurts because of her tears but she has nothing.  Pray for God to be at work - provide, protect, heal, love, help...  Pray for Amecet to be able to help.  I don't know what or how to pray...just pray.  I wish we didn't have to face this or deal with it or feel it, but we do and we will with God's love, strength and help.

1 comment:

  1. Joining you in crying out to God on behalf of Achia & her family. Thanks for loving and for sharing with us.
