Thursday, August 18, 2016

Praying for Achia

Thank you everyone for praying with us for Achia.  I couldn't get the image of her out of my heard when I went to bed last night.  I wanted to ignore it all because it hurts too much and I was afraid.  Then God reminded me of the verse I read and prayed about in the morning.

Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God. 
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,
Do not fear, I will help you.
Is. 41:10 &13

I found such comfort in claiming this promise from God.  He wants me to trust Him not fear.  I don't have to fear because He is with me.  He is my strength and my help.  He holds my hand!  And I know the same is true for Achia.

Then this morning as I read God's Word I read 1 Cor. 1:26-2:5 where God chooses the weak and not smart of this world so that God's wisdom and power are displayed.  He gets the glory.  And Is. 42:6-7 God says He called us, He takes hold of our hand, He keeps us and makes us a light to all people -- so that we can open eyes that are blind, free captives and release those in darkness.  

God was speaking to me.  I feel very weak and helpless yet God wants to show His power and strength through me and through this situation.  God has called me (all of us) and He holds my hand as I am His light to set people free!  This is all about God not me.  He will bring sight physically and spiritually to Achia (she is blind) and her family.  She will be set free from all that binds her.  This is God's desire.

So Regina came with Achia this morning and our neighbor and pastor's wife, Margaret, went with us too.  We went to Amecet, which is a shelter for children who are sick or abandon, run by YWAM.  I prayed all morning God would prepare the way and that the right people would be there to help us.  God answered and the director was there and willing to see Achia and talk to Regina.  Long story short, Amecet agreed to take Achia in for two months to begin with with hopes of  getting her healthy through nourishment.  I asked the director if there is hope for Achia.  She said it is really bad and if she gets any sickness she could die.

Achia was bathed, dressed and weighed.  She screamed the whole time!  I was amazed she has strength.  She is so angry and I suppose hurts.  I was horrified when they took her clothes off.  It was so very sad to see skin and bone on a five year old girl in a baby size body.  It is enough to make we feel ill.  No one should be starved to death.  Achia weighs 6.1kg (14.3 pound).  That is less 3kgs less than Margaret's 9 month old baby.  

I am sure Achia is scared too.  She is blind, in a new place, new people and not well.  She cries a lot.  I wanted to cry watching her and not being able to take her pain and fear away.  I just prayed God would meet her in her fear and pain and bring her comfort and peace.  I prayed that the workers at Amecet will love her and hold her not get upset with her for crying so much.  Regina did go to hold Achia again and comfort her.  Achia quieted in her mother's arms.

I learned Achia can still sit up (although her head is too heavy for her weak body).  She also does eat.  I was thrilled to see her eager to eat -- they even had to bring more food and milk.  We need to pray she keeps the food down because the mother says she throws up and has diarrhea.  If she can't keep food down they will put a feeding tube in.  I simply cannot understand not having food for your child and watching this happen.  

On our ride home Margaret thanked me for the love and kindness we have.  She said she sees Jesus working through us and knows God brought us here knowing Achia and family would need us.  She said that people here only look out for themselves and even when people get money or resources they don't see that it is from God to use to help others.  She shared Matt. 25:31-46 when Jesus said we do it to Him when we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison.  We gave thanks to God together for allowing us to be His hands and His love. 

I thought back to my morning devotions and thanked God for using me in all my weakness and foolishness, that His power and wisdom is seen and He is glorified!  

Sometimes I hear Christians wrestle with God over the suffering and hardships they and others face over and over again.  It is true we don't understand it all and it is hard and painful, but I do know this - God is good and He is trustworthy.  I don't question Him.  I know He loves us, He is with us, He is all wise, all powerful, He feels, He hates sin and suffering and that is not His plan for us, He wants everyone to know Him and that is why He is willing to wait to make all things right - that none should perish.  It was never or will ever be God's desire for sin and suffering.  He sent a Rescuer to save us from all our sin and suffering.  May we long for His coming again as we wait and share Him with all those who don't know Him yet.

Keep praying!
Aug. 24
Thank you all for continuing to pray for Achia.

I went on Friday and on Tuesday to see her.  There is nothing easy about this situation and is a long haul.  Achia is a very difficult and unpleasant child.  I know that sounds terrible but it is true.  Achia has sever disablies, is very unhappy, can't communicate, cries, and looks awful as a starving 5 year old in a baby size body.  It is a choose to hold her, love her, and talk to her.  I do love her but it is so overwhelming.  My kids came with me but didn't know how to handle it and seemed afraid to touch her.  Tuesday Emalai just cried seeing Achia cry and be upset.  It is hard.  I feel so bad for Achia but there seems to be nothing I can do to comfort her and help her.  I did learn she likes to walk in the stroller and she was very peaceful riding.  I don't know if this is right or not, but while walking with her I decided the best thing for Achia is for her suffering to end and for her to be with Jesus in perfect peace.  I prayed God would take away her frustration and take her home to Him.

The good news is that I saw her mother, Regina, yesterday.  We honestly did not know if they would disappear while Achia was cared for.  Regina always seems happy to see me and hugs me tight.  She said she wants to see Achia -- Yeah!  I was so thankful and again saw she does love her child.  She is suppose to go tomorrow with Margaret.  

Please continue to pray.  Pray for Achia to have peace and healing.  She is eating but only time will tell.  Since I have known her she sucked on her hands but the people at Amecet put socks on her hands so she quit biting them they said.  I worry they took away her comfort.  Sometimes I wonder if the helpers understand how severally handicapped she is.  They said she cried A LOT.  I know that and I know it is hard, but she needs love.  Pray for the helpers at Amecet to be patient and loving with Achia.  Achia also had a fever when I was there.  Pray for me to have strength, time and love for Achia too.  I can feel a heavy burden when I think about all I should do and about the long term of this all.  I have to trust God and do what He asks of me.  Pray for Achia's family to have food and grow in Christ.

Thanks you again,


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