Friday, November 18, 2016

A Time for Everything

Thank you everyone for praying for my Grandma Van Manen and the family.  Monday Grandma died.  She went home peacefully to her Father and for that we are thankful.  We mourn for our loss, but also are able to celebrate Grandma is home!  She was so ready to be with her Savior.  

We had a couple days of turmoil deciding weather to go to Michigan and be a part of Grandma's funeral.  It was truly stressful making such a big decision.  Leaving Uganda in a hurry is a big ordeal, packing and closing up the house, changing ministry plans and home schooling schedule, driving 7 hours to the airport, traveling 20 hours plus...and the big one - the cost!  We prayed, looked into things, waited on the Lord, talked to some people, kept praying...  I felt sick in the limbo.  I wanted to be IN Michigan but I wanted to stay here.  All the in between and work to get there was overwhelming.  In the end we decided - with peace (most of the time) - to stay in Uganda.

 In the mist of the decision we thought about going to Michigan to have my knee checked too.  I hurt it excising about six weeks ago.  I can do everything but everything makes it hurt later.  We suspect the meniscus but will only know with an MRI.  I do not want to be limited until September when we plan to go to the States, but we also did not want to go to MI now and be stuck there for over a month or two to get my knee fixed.  What to do?!

Several times this week Ecc. 3 has come up in our devotions, Bible lesson, and sermons.  I just smiled knowing God knows the right time for everything - Grandma's death, going to MI or staying in Uganda, my knee...  He is in control and I put my trust in Him.  All things are beautiful in His time.

We were very blessed by our family here in Obulle.  Word got out that my Grandma died and our pastor and his wife came to say they were sorry.  They asked if they could come and pray with us, so two days later our church leaders, neighbors and friends came to be with us, share God's Word, and pray for us.  I was deeply touched.  Even though I can't be "home" with my family, God has given us His family.  During prayer Margaret put her hand on my back and I felt so loved and cared for I just cried.    

Thanks again for praying for us and with us.

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