Monday, November 21, 2016

Medieval Times

We are studying the middle ages or dark ages in history right now, so we decided to have a Medieval times homeschool day.  We had so much fun planning and preparing for the big day.  When our neighbors wondered what crazy things we were doing now, Josh told them we were doing "active learning".  Great label.  We learned about the Medieval times through active learning.  We dressed up, decorated, had a meal, wrote, read, and played games.  It was so much fun and also made us thankful for the times we live in today.
Our princess

Peasant - aka Robin Hood

Our monk

Lady Lydia

Another peasant (ok, they also called me Belle)
And our jester!  (What a good sport!)

We got metal plates and cups at the market, made a candlelit chandelier, torches and more...  

We even had stocks.

Our friends, the Dwire family, joined us in our Medieval Day.  Eric was our knight.

We had something between a peasants meal and a Medieval feast.
Bread bowls with stew, grape juice, fruit, and pudding for dessert.
The kids had to prepare a poem, creative writing, or write about the person they came as.

Then we played games.
First was a the quest for the Holy Grail.
A scavenger hunt like the search the knights had for the cup Jesus used at the last supper.
(You can read more about the quest for the Holy Grail yourself!)

Then we had an obstacle course to go from a page, to a squire, to a knight.

Throw the caber - the Scottish would see who could throw a huge log (tree!) the furthest.
We used a basket that looks like a log :)

Javelin toss 

Last of all art.
The kids made a family crest which tells everyone who you are using pictures that describe you.
We also made stain glass windows.

You can't have a Medieval day without a castle.  Luka and I had fun making this one. 

This is what I love about homeschooling - I get to be with my kids, know what they are learning, learn with them, I get to be creative, have fun, and make great memories together!

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