Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Joy of Heaven

First, I want to ask for prayer for an 8 year old girl named Mary.  Mary is the niece of our neighbors.  Yesterday her grandparents took her here (they live in another village) because she fell from a tree a week ago and her neck is stiff, swollen, and she can't move.  We called our nurse teammate Jennifer who came to see Mary.  Then the story came out and she may have fallen from a tree but because of something else going on.  They had taken her to another clinic a week ago but they didn't do anything weather that was because of money or poor health care I am not certain.   By now Mary was unable to move, talk, and looked at you with fear in her eyes.  It was serious and Jennifer took her to to hospital.  We suspected Tetanus and were confirmed.  To add to Mary's story, she is HIV positive and lives with her grandparents because her parents (who probably aren't married) abandoned her.  All too common and sad.  It gives me a righteous anger against sin and all it's ugly consequences on the innocent.

We have been praying for Mary since but it doesn't look good.  She has had Tetanus for a long time and it is a 25% survival rate when caught early.  It is painful when ALL your muscles tighten and can't relax at all.  She is completely stiff like a board and just looks with her eyes.  Mentally she is completely there but trapped - unable to talk or move.  How scary that must be and she is only a little girl.  They tried to sedate her but then her breathing slows or stops.  Last night they couldn't get the breathing tube down (because all the muscles are tight) so they put her out but then she literally died!  They did resuscitate her but it was traumatic for everyone.

I just feel so much for Mary.  I think about her and pray all day long.  Please join me in praying for a God size healing if it be His will or that He take Mary home in His loving, peaceful arms.  Honestly, I don't know if Mary knows the Lord or not and I pray someone shares with her God's saving grace.  (Josh is out of town and I can't go.)  Pray too for Jennifer and others caring for Mary to have wisdom, strength, and continue to give it to the Lord who is trustworthy.  Pray for the grandma and Rhoda who are with Mary and for the family around us in Obulle here.

I have had a lot of mixed emotions lately with my grandma's death, going or not going to MI, staying here, and now finding peace in it all.  Life goes on but there are moments that bring tears.  We sang the song Sunday "I will Rise" talking about heaven - no more sorrow, no more pain.  I cried picturing Grandma there.  She is singing - healthy and renewed - before the throne of God!  Several times it has made me think about and even long for Heaven.

Then with the elections in America and all the yuck that came with it, I was tempted to get upset by it all.  But I knew it didn't have to upset me.  I know the King of all Kings and the One who puts people in power.  God is in control and I put my trust in Him.  I was mostly upset by the reaction of people -even God's people.  I brought it prayer and God - as always - took my feelings and gave me His peace.  His Word is my truth.  I read and prayed Colossians 1:15-23 all things are made by God, all thrones, powers, rulers, or authorities, created for Him, in Him all things are held together, He is the head, in everything He is superior, first, best...we were enemies in our sin but He reconciled us to Him through Christ, made us holy, free from accusation, giving us hope because of Jesus!

I very much realize this is not my home.  I am a citizen of heaven!  I do not belong here and I shouldn't.  The world did not recognize Jesus, the one who made it, they misunderstood Him, hated Him and denied Him.  So I, as Christ follower (Christian means little Christ or like Christ), will also be misunderstood and even hated.  The world is an enemy of God and His truth, the ruler of the world - for a time - is the evil one, so we will suffer with Christ, for Christ.  But we have the victory in Christ, we know how the story ends, the devil knows he is defeated, life is still to come as Jesus is preparing a place for us in glory.  Why would I not be glad?  I know the One in control and who made the plan, who isn't surprised by anything happening, and who I am loved by and get to live with forever.  I will rejoice because no circumstance can change this.

Then Sunday we were in Jinja visiting Sliedrechts and the message was on Philippians 3:18-21 and I just smiled knowing I was hearing from God again.  Paul cried over the many who are enemies of Christ.  Their minds are on earthly things, BUT our citizenship is in heaven.  So put and keep your minds (thoughts) on heaven, our kingdom - our true home.  We are so terribly focused on the world and life here!  I want to stop looking around and letting the things of the world distract and discourage me.  I want to be thinking about and longing for Home.  That is joy.  My joy comes from knowing God, knowing He is in control and trustworthy, and knowing I am going to be with Him.  Like the pastor said, it is a super-natural joy.  God is my joy.  And things here on earth can't take it away.

So with all this - Grandma's death, elections and now even with Mary - I feel God teaching me to stop focusing on this world and anticipate God's kingdom to come.  I want to truly long for Heaven not hold on to earth and the things here.  I want Jesus to come, make all things right and take me Home.  I to live so that others know I am a citizen of Heaven.  I am a member of His kingdom and belong there.  I want to talk about that glorious day with joy.  God has given me true joy.

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