Thursday, August 16, 2018

Recommended Resouces

Sometimes people ask me what we use homeschooling, with our kids or with ministry here.  I thought I would share some resources I have found and love using.

-Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
This one is a favorite because every story points to Jesus.  It is beautifully written and often makes me cry with the power of God's plan in the whole Bible to save us.  His love for us is clearly seen in His desire to rescue and redeem us.  What an awesome true story!

-Buck Denver's What's in the Bible
This is great series by Phil Visser (the guy of did Veggie Tales).  The videos are crazy and silly, BUT they are full of Biblical truth!  My kids (and I) have learned so much.  It is an OT and NT survey.  In church and in Bible study our family can now quickly answer what is redemption, sin, holiness, what is justification...  Phil is very entertaining for kids while sharing God's truth in a very meaningful way.
-YWAM Christian Heros Then and Now
This series written by Janet & Geoff Benge are incredibly inspiring!  These are stories of missionaries are evidence of God's power to use ordinary people willing to follow the Lord.  Most stories start in their childhood showing what God can do in and through an unbeliever, the poor, shy, privileged, what He can do with our talents...  Then we get to read stories of incredible faith, forgiveness, change, hope, power...  I cannot tell you how much these easy to read books have touched my life to want to do more for Christ with His power.

-The Princess and the Kiss  A story of God's gift of Purity by Jennie Bishop
A wonderful kids book sharing the beauty and precious gift of purity.  Truth for young kids.

-Passport 2 Purity by Family Life Today
This is a must for every parent to do with they preteen/teen child.  They clearly teach Biblical truth on purity and God's desire to bless marriage.  It opens the way for parents and kids to talk.  It uses great examples that help get the message to stick.  Seeing we did it in a village in Africa without going somewhere special or over night, I know it can be a very special time with your child.  We will never forget it.  Each child was different but meaningful.  We had Josh join us the last lesson, with a special supper, reading cards to our daughter and signing of the purity commitment.  I want to remind you that this isn't a once and done - it needs to become a way of life and common talk in the home if it will have lasting effect.  I really believe this will be the difference for our kids.  We know, talk about, and live by God's truth.  We talk about how we dress, saving dating till you are ready to get married and saving intimacy for the blessing of marriage.

-The Purity Principle by Randy Alcorn
This small book is a good continuation to P2P as kids get older.  Powerful truth!

-Positive Action for Christ
This is the Bible curriculum we use for homeschooling (it is for personal and church ministries too).  I love the solid Biblical truth they teach.  We learn so much and grow in our faith.  I recommend the OT & NT surveys and Wise Up.

-Mystery of History by Linda Lacour Hobar
This is our History curriculum.  Linda is a great writer.  I love how Christ is woven in and the center of History.  I also appreciate that all grades can to this curriculum together and she divides up the activities by age levels.  There are also CDs and MP3s to have the lessons read - how thankful I am for that with those big names!

-Woodlawn, The Nativity, Mulley, Courageous, War Room, Fireproof...
I hesitate to put movies on the list because we are very careful what we watch and I know not every movie is for every age.  Not all of our kids have watches these movies because they are very sensitive to people hurting (and they see enough of it here).  Anyways, these and other Biblical Christian movies are actually worth watching.  There is so much trash out there - being entertained by sin - that I am thankful for movies that leave you inspired.  Please consider what you allow into your home and children's lives through what you watch.  I pray we make wise choices to fill us with truth and life instead of lies, sin and death.

-Window around the world prayer book (for kids)
We have read from this prayer book once a week for years with our kids.  It allows us to learn about other countries, tribes, cultures, religions, persecution...and pray for them.  It has given our kids a heart for the world.

-Freedom in Christ
I have to add what has touched our lives and see changing peoples lives!  FIC is great discipleship that is pure Biblical truth.  It helps Christians to know who they are in Christ - our true identity.  It teaches us to reject all the lies we believe and live in the truth instead.  It shows us how to control our minds, guide our emotions, choose to live God's way, to forgive, to mature and produce fruit...and daily walk in freedom and victory in Christ!  It is all about resisting the evil one and submitting to God.  Too many Christians are stuck, bound and unproductive.  Jesus wants us to be free and that comes from His truth.  (Lots of great resources on their website or by contacting us.)

*The Bible
I cannot complete the list without putting the only resource needed - God's Word.  It gives us the Way, Truth and Life.  The Author is God and His Word is perfect and lasts forever.  There is no substitute, no better book, map, help, council, guide, wisdom, comfort, help, hope, peace...  It is God's will for us.  If you want to know Him you must read His Word.  It is so powerful it will change your life!  I pray everyone of His children loves His Word, reads it daily, and lives in obedience to it's truth.

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