Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Prayer for Emuli

I am writing to ask for prayer for a boy nicknamed Emuli.  Emuli, I was told, is 11 years old but looks more like 8.  We really didn't know him until last month when I began seeing him.  He always looks sad and has an eye problem where his eyes are swollen in the morning and weep all day.  I started to inquire about him and found out he lives with his grandparents because his mother had him but never married.  His mother later "married" leaving Emuli unwanted.  It is known that he is not loved.  He has never gone to school and herds cows I am told.  Anyways, we began to show him love by asking his name, giving him a pair of shorts (his had too many holes in all the wrong places), and giving him something to eat now and then.  He began coming around more and slowly started playing with the kids.  My kids loved seeing him smile and laugh when he played with them.  He even began showing up at church after we invited him.

So today my neighbor and I took Emuli to the health center to see an eye doctor who came to the clinic to see people with eye issues.  I met the very young grandma and the grandfather for a moment.   At the clinic he was given drops and recommended to an eye hospital in Tororo.  When we got home Emuli didn't go home but followed me to church where we are having a youth conference.  Later when we went home, Emuli came.  I gave him his eye medicine and told him goodnight.  He didn't leave.  Josh told him in Ateso he should go home now.  Emuli said no.  We tried to get him to tell us why but he just made himself at home in our house.  We asked our watchman Sam to come and talk to Emuli.  Emuli told Sam that he didn't want to go home because his grandfather beats him.  My fear was confirmed.  Now what?  How sad.  How awful.  We decided to take him to our pastor at the conference and ask if Emuli could stay with the youth for the night and deal with things tomorrow.  Our pastor said that was a good plan and he would keep Emuli with him.  Emuli agreed.

Please pray with us for Emuli and this situation.  We are praying that his grandfather comes to Christ and changes his ways.  We are praying for wisdom.  We are praying for safety for Emuli and other children like him who suffer.  I hate it!  We pray for God to work mightily.  We are thankful for godly leaders to help us at times like this.  We have all had two very busy weeks with the marriage conference, youth conference and kids' teaching still to come.  Pray for time to do what we need to do.  So thankful God is in control! 

As I am writing, Josh was called by our other pastor to help take their neighbor child to the clinic because she fainted and is still unconscious.  I am seeing a spiritual battle. As God is doing great things through the marriage and youth conference, the enemy is trying to attack, distract and discourage.  Strongholds are being broken through forgiveness and truth so the devil is not happy.  Pray for protection for everyone.  We know the enemy is powerless and His children are victorious!


Thank you everyone for praying with us and for Emuli.  After staying at the youth conference for two nights, Emuli followed our pastor (and neighbor) home.  That evening we took time to go to the families home to share with the grandparents.  Emuli came with.  It was really hard knowing what to say and do.  His grandfather is older than us and nice to us.  How do we share?  Confront?  Poor Josh was the one to share.  He shared about the clinic and Emuli's eye.  By now a big storm was coming and blowing.  I prayed it wouldn't rain and the storm would stop so we could finish this conversation.  It did not rain and the wind stopped.  Josh then shared the Gospel with them and invited them to put their faith in Jesus.  They said they have already done that.  Ok.  Now what?  We asked the kids if they would like to trust in Jesus as their Savior and four of them did!  James, Naomi, and Egwalu and Emuli all gave their lives to Christ.  That was exciting and we praise God for that.  We encouraged the kids to fellowship with other believer at church, youth group and to read the Bible and pray to God.  Then we prayed for them.

 Josh asked our pastor if we could be more direct and he said yes.  So Josh shared that we do not want any of the children beaten.  That as fathers we are to protect, love and teach our children.  That they have a responsibility and represent God in the family.  The grandfather said he does not beat the children.  Our pastor added that even our words can be as bad as beating.  So, we really didn't know what to do or add.  You can't say much when they aren't open or say they are fine.  

We prayed for the family and said our goodbyes and began to leave.  The men were already down the path when Emuli began to cry knowing he was being left at home.  I tried to ask him why are you crying?  I told him if there was a problem he could just come.  But he just cried.  His grandfather tried to get him to sit and to stop crying but he wouldn't.  I couldn't leave.  It broke my heart.  Our pastor, Charles, must have heard and came back and said lets take Emuli with us.  We all walked home and Charles took Emuli and his brother James to his house to talk.  Later that night Josh and I went back to see how things were going.  Emuli's mother, Kate, was there!  Charles wife Margaret had called her to come from Kampala where she works.  She wanted Kate to come to take Emuli to the eye hospital in Tororo.  Kate was very nice and looked young, but she said she is not young.  We all made a plan that they would go to Tororo in the morning.  We shared with Kate that Emuli needs her and needs love.  She said he is a very quiet boy even with her.  He is nine years old and was named George William (but here he is known as Emuli).

Margaret went with Kate and Emuli to the eye hospital almost three hours away.  They found out that it is not an eye problem so much, but that he has a bone deformity and the bone is pushing on nerves which is causing all the problems.  He was referred to Kampala to a hospital that can help with plastic surgery.  So, now we hope to help Kate and Emuli go to the hospital in October when we go to Kampala.  Margaret said that Kate was very kind to Emuli.

Emuli did sleep at home when his mother was here.  We again told Kate that he needs her.  We don't really know what has happened with that or at the home.  Kate left today to go back to work in Kampala.  I don't know yet if Emuli is sleeping at home or not.  

I have been told many things as people see us trying to help Emuli and this family.  Boy do people talk.  If they know so much, why don't they do anything?  I read Psalm 95 this week and it applied to this week.  The verse that stuck out was verse 16 where it asks, "Who will rise up for me against the wicked?  Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?"  God wants to do something and He wants to use us to do it.

People said these families (all the relatives in that area) fight, even carrying around pangas (machetes).  They argue and are divided.  Many have moved away because of it.  But James and Kate are the only sober ones (adults) and are good.  I encouraged the believers to pray for the family and to visit them as the four children have become Christians.

We can quickly grow discouraged and feel helpless, but then we look at all God is doing.  Four kids came to Christ, we are getting to know new families, lots of people are praying, the wisdom, giving and love of Charles and family, God stopped a storm so we could share with the family, Emuli's mother came from Kampala when called and spent a lot of money for the trip, Egwalu - who received Christ - came to children's Bible school at church this week, and people are seeing the love we have for Emuli and others.  God is doing something!  He hears our prayers and answers.  Even Charles said that he isn't sure if things will change, but through this situation God has done many things. 

Besides that the girl who fainted was treated for Malaria and is now fine.

Malai came down with an ear infection this week and shared with two friends who had or are having babies before marriage.  God gave us the grace, love and truth for these people.  We are all feeling very tired emotionally and physically after this week.

Thank you again for praying.  Please don't stop.  We need your prayers and so do Emuli, his mother, his newly saved siblings, and the whole family.  

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