Thursday, September 26, 2019

Lusi Update

Lusi successfully had her knee replacement surgery.  We talked to the doctor the day of the surgery and he said all went well.  We went to see her two days after surgery and she was in serious pain.  Her knee, her heart, her much pain she was just crying.  It was terrible to see her like that.  She said the day before was ok but today she believed she was dying - or maybe wanted to die.  She wondered if this kind of pain was normal after surgery.  We asked the nurse for pain killer but the low dose they gave wasn't even touching it.  After watching her moan and cry for awhile we finally asked the doctor for a higher pain killer.  Whatever he ordered worked.  They gave her an injection and she finally relaxed.  Her breathing slowed down, she wasn't so hot and the pain reduced.  It was so nice to see her ok.

We prayed with her that day, talked with the doctor and nurses about keeping up on the pain meds, and told Lusi and her care taker they had to ask when the pain became too much.  Then we went home and continued to seriously pray for Lusi, the pain and healing.

Josh went back the next day and found Lusi MUCH better.  Her pain was under control and she was able to try "walking" with a walker.  She was so thankful things were better.

Yesterday our whole family went to see Lusi.  Lusi kept asking to see Malai.  Lusi was again doing well and very happy we all came to visit her.  She said God brought us to Uganda for her alone.  God loves her and has done good to her through us.  She was crying as she spoke such kind words to us.  She was really thankful for us.  She said God gave her family through us.  She prays that our kids grow up and do like we have done (be like us).  It was really sweet to hear her express her love and thankfulness to God for us.  You don't always get that from people but Lusi encouraged us with her words.

Lusi walked a little ways with her walker and sat down.  The doctor said she is making progress.  It is hard for us to understand how this is all going to work.  How will she be able to go home in a few days and live in the village and use a latrine?  Keep praying for healing and good therapy to help her.

1 comment:

  1. So happy the pain is in control! We thank God that you are able to advocate for her and love her! So much to overcome yet, she will need alot of care and assistance in the days ahead.
