Friday, September 20, 2019


We met Lusi in 2013 when we built our house in Obule.  She was one of the helpers and we noticed how hard she worked and how joyful she was.  Once we moved into our home in Obule we asked Lusi if she would be willing to work for us.  Lusi is a part of our family and my friend.  She has found freedom in Christ, has a great sense of humor, is a good worker, and has been faithful and trustworthy.  I love when I find Emalai and her playing house together.  Lusi has been through a lot but she continues to put her trust in the Lord.  She has opened up her home to care for Achia and now a relative's child. We are so thankful for Lusi!

Over the last two years Lusi's knee has been giving her a lot of trouble.  It increased to the point of now not being able to work well, walk or move well, and she is in constant pain.  Her knee is swollen, it makes cracking noises and now her other knee and hip hurt from having to compromise.  Last year we took Lusi to a good orthopedic doctor about a half an hour away.  After x-rays and talking with the doctor he said Lusi needs knee replacement.  When Lusi saw the cost of the knee replacement she simply said, "That is why people die in Uganda."  Because no one can afford a good doctor to get the help they need.  It is sadly true.

We praise God that people joined us in praying for Lusi.  And both Georgetown CRC and Faith Community Church read of the need and gave money for Lusi to have knee replacement.  It is so special to us when supporters read of a need and respond by the Holy Spirits promoting.  Praise the Lord, He hears and provides!

So, Lusi is in Kumi today being prepped for surgery tomorrow, Saturday Sept. 21.  Please pray for her, for safety, wisdom for the doctors and good care from the nurses, and for full healing.  Lusi says she has peace and is ready to be able to live and work again.  She did ask for prayer for Moses the three year old boy she cares for.  Moses is sick right now and will be cared for by a daughter-in-law while Lusi is away.  Thank you for covering Lusi in prayer with us.  We look forward to Lusi's recovery.

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