Saturday, October 29, 2022

Hi From Uganda

I just have to try to share our road with you.  We live about 8 miles from the edge of town and it takes about 20 or so minutes to get there.  Every week the road gets worse.  These pictures are from weeks ago so the pot holes and washouts have only gotten more and bigger.  It deters me from going anywhere!  The wear and tear on our van let alone bodies and minds is too much.

And then we share the bad road with trucks, motorcycles, people, animals and bikes...

But we still go to town to get out and get supplies...  A few weeks ago the kids and I went to the "Soroti Fair".  We tried to have fun but it was hot, the workers come right for you wanting your business and of course Makai wanted to give to them, and there wasn't too much there this time.  We made the most of it though.  Makai road in a car, jumped on a bouncy house, and went into the zoo.  The zoo is 75 cents to get into.  It only has a few animals; crocodile, monkeys, ostrich, monitor lizard, camel, and snakes.  Quite terrifying actually when the worker taunts the cobra and it opens it's hood and has the mamba crawl on the top of the cage!  Get me out of here!!!

Luka trying to win money or soda.

The cotton candy for like 25 cents was a nice treat!

I just can't believe some things here.  This dangerous chemical jug is what the restaurant uses to wash hands!  What?!

Makai is really picking up on the language here and calls motorcycles "piki piki".  He even loaded his piki piki with wood.

We have so much fun with our kids and I am enjoying every moment I get all together!
We went to Jinja so Grace could get more medical help for her hip, to go to the dentist, and get away to beautiful place with good food.  We called it our fall break.

I think this is the tallest pine tree in Uganda!

These were at the guesthouse where we stayed.  I love them!  No one can tell me a name or what they are.  What I learned is they are found in the sand by the water.  They feel and look like glass which makes sense because glass is made with sand, right?

Instead of enjoying fall colors we are enjoying tropical temps, swimming and colorful flowers. 

Lake Victoria - the source of the Nile.


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