Thursday, November 3, 2022


There seems to be a lot of burials here.  It feels each week  or so someone dies and there is another burial.  Maybe it is because everyone is related to everyone and as a relative you are expected to come.  Burials are a big ordeal too.  A couple days or more depending how close of a relative you are, mourning, visiting, service and burial, hundreds of people, feeding, meetings, money...  Nothing easy about it, but never hear people complain.  

The clan we live among has now had two nieces and an auntie die since we came back in July.  Their aunt was over a 100 they say.  The one niece, Rose, was a young mother with 9 children, one still a baby.  Rose died of cancer it seems.  She was suffering with pain, open sores, and at the end couldn't breath.  It was very sad.  I am very thankful her husband was very present and showed a lot of love for his dying wife.  Unfortunately, they are told she was witched (cursed) and that is why she died.  So now they blame neighbors.  They are a Christian family so we pray they do not let their minds be troubled by this but believe in Truth that will keep them free.  Their 9 children are now divided among the relatives to care for.  Two of the children now live in our village.  And life moves on...

This week another niece, Brenda, died a very tragic death.  She was fine then in the evening got sick and died by night.  She has 5 children.  The oldest girls has lived in our village with her uncle for years now.  She came because of her father's abuse and witchcraft he was involved in.  Now it seems the mother died from possible poison.  (Yes, sadly it happens here.)  The husband has continued in witchcraft and has been says he was going to do something.  Brenda came to our village to get away the last few months.  Relatives tried to meet with the husband who has gone basically mad from evil.  He was then heard saying he had to sacrifice his daughter or wife to get rich (that is witchcraft).  So things line up to look like the husband killed his wife.  I am telling you it is evil.  You can't believe these things happen.  This is one reason I hate that the western world entertains themselves with these things on tv, hollaween and movies.  Yuck, wrong, real...

We went to the burial and we had been warned the family had peace because they are Christians but the clan was mad and wanted to kill the husband if he showed up to the burial.  Well he did show up and you could feel the tension.  Thankfully the family was wise and had the police aware of the situation and police were sent to the burial to keep peace.  Still everyone was watching, murmuring, and gangs of young boys and old men were saying once she is buried we will get him.  I had never seen this before.  But I knew from stories that they were serious and mob justice could  literally happen.  Actually, Josh and the FIC teachers teach people every week in prison for such a thing.  I prayed before we went to the burial, at the burial and continue to pray.  I was thankful our church people were there being the presence and peace of Jesus. 

I feel for the five children.  Sin is so ugly and hurts so many people.  I was glad I could go to the burial to be with Whinnie the oldest child who lives in our village (in our church and was in our youth group).  She goes to High School in the South West so it was a about 13 hour bus ride one way to come home for the burial.  The children were already living with other relatives because of their father's behavior.  But now their mother is gone too.     

So my prayer has been that God would change the husband's heart of evil and turn it to Jesus.  A Saul to Paul.  Something only God can do and get the glory for!  Something that seems so impossible that it will bring a testimony to everyone else.  God turn what was done in evil to good!  Today I got good news.  I was told that the family heard that the husband wants to give his life to Christ.  He is tired of his life and where it is heading.  He wants the Christians to come and get rid of all his witchcraft.  Oh God, I pray this is true and he repents and gives his life to You!

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