Sunday, November 20, 2022

In All Things Give Thanks


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Even though we are not in America, I still love holiday traditions.  Our traditions in Uganda look a little different but they are still special and important to us.  I am learning how important and powerful being thankful in all things is.  No matter our circumstances I can praise the Lord.  Hard but life changing.  So here are a few of the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving...

Definitely on the top of the list is my husband Josh!
We have been through everything together and I am thankful to say it has only united us more. 

My kids and our homeschool!
I am thankful for every day I get to be with my children.  They teach me so much.

My time with the Lord.
I love God's Word and the Truth that gives me hope!

The joy of a good dark roast coffee. :)
My cup of coffee is usually shared with my devotions or an afternoon ice coffee with my daughter Grace.
Thankful for our church, UCFM.
Last week the leaders brought us together to have a day of thanksgiving for the ministry we do here.  Now that is impressive and touching to be thanked and appreciated!  I am thankful it isn't all about us but the partnership with have with the church.  I am thankful it is like my family here.
Thankful my kids are involved in church too.
Freedom in Christ Uganda!
So thankful to partner with these teachers to disciple God's children.

I am thankful for Josh's gift of preaching and teaching.
He is my favorite because I learn the most from him.

Thankful for people coming to salvation in Jesus Christ!
Josh had the privilege of leading this Muslim family to Christ, but it was through the work and friendship of Pastor Martin who shared Jesus with them.

I thank God for our home!
It is a place of peace, fun, ministry, memories, faith, joy, rest, love, security, safety, acceptance...

I am thankful for friendships my children have here.
I love that my kids feel at home here.

The games and fun they have together.

This young girl reminds me that I can be thankful in all things. 
She is always smiling even with a bar attached to her bone (long story I hope to share on another post).
I am so thankful for health and safety!!!

I am thankful for the simple life here.
Playing games together each night, reading to Makai, meals together, my fun-loving kids, making cards in school, rain and harvest, a peaceful village to live in...

I am thankful for good Indian food :)
Thankful for the holidays and making things fun and being creative!

Our families 2022 Thanksgiving list.  In ALL things give thanks to God!

So here is where your picture comes because I am thankful for you too!  I could add SO many pictures, people and things!!!  This post is simply a small glimps of all I have to be thankful for.  Thank you to our parents, family, friends and supporters for your part in my life!  Thank you for your love and prayers.   Most of all I thank God for who He is and all He has done!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing pictures of your life in Uganda, so glad to see you spent Thanksgiving with family and friends. Great seeing pictures of your kids and home life, and to read of all the wonderful blessings around you. May you enjoy and appreciate this Christmas season!
