Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Thanksgiving Weekend in the Village

This the devotion we did on Thanksgiving Day and it put into words the Truth God is teaching me!
Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a fun holiday week!
Josh and Luka preparing the turkey the night before Thanksgiving.

I love being creative, decorating and making things beautiful!
Cutting the turkey - yum!
The wishbone.
The turkey hat always makes it to the missionary Thanksgiving party.
Kids table!

Luka joined the graduates in the morning for a field trip to the flying school in Soroti.
Luka and 30 others in one taxi van!  He loved every minute of his time on the field trip!

Friday the school had nursery school graduation.

Grace congratulating the graduates.
I got to hand out the graduation certificates.
The teachers broke out in dance!

Then we put up the Christmas tree and officially started the Christmas season!

Sunday we went to Amuria for baptisms at the UCFM church there!
I love baptism day!

We had a van FULL - 3kg to the river to baptize - many walked.

Worship service after the baptisms.  Glory to God!

Josh preached on baptism and how it is God putting His mark of ownership on us - we are His!

So Thankful...

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