Monday, July 31, 2023

Sights from Village Life...

 There are days I just want to capture life here and share it with you.  So here is a blog with some of our daily life in the village.   Simple life, simple beauty.  I hope I never forget.  I am super proud of our kids living and, most of the time, loving it here.  I admire their courage and flexibility.  Enjoy a glimpse of our lives!

I love how kids mimic what they see!
For most kids going to the borehole is work, but for mine it is fun.

Harvesting cassava

Emalai loves being at the neighbors and doing as they do.
Pounding g-nuts (aka making peanut butter).

Every evening it's time to play with friends.  Luka and his friends trying to play Jinga style soccer.

This is sweet John who comes to our church.  He has CP and struggles to walk.
God blessed him with a new bike to get around!
And Makai loves John's bike too.

And Makai loves Dad's bike!

Or when his best friend Nathan pushed him on his bike.

We were visiting another church and this is the sign someone drew for the bathroom.
(A long call is going #2.)  Sometimes you have to laugh!

The kids at the church were playing their version of king of the mountain on a bench.

Sheep anyone?

Sharing at a women's conference.

A group came and did VBS at the Christian School by us.  I was super proud of my kids being a part of it!  Luka and Emalai joined their friends at school each day and Lydia helped the team with translation and leading.

Every little boy wants Makai's attention when he comes.

Luka loved being DJ for everyone!

Lydia and a couple of her friends chatting with Josh.

What can you say?!

Tea and games with friends stuck in the rain.

Best Buds!

I had the privilege of throwing a birthday party for a missionary here.  I love being creative, decorating, making things beautiful and hosting.  It is life giving to me.

We started homeschool again.
Emalai is in 5th grade this year!

Luka is a freshman in high school!

Emalai loves all the babies in the village!
This is baby Candy (short for Candise).  So happy!
And Gift

The newest baby in the village!
Born at home in an early and fast.  Mom was all alone.  Thankful all went well.
Her name is Apeso Lydia Faith after the three ladies who came to help her after the birth.
(Yes, our Lydia is one of them.)

Lydia and Luka also joined the youth to host a group of young people from another church in Soroti.  I was proud of them for going and doing their part as one youth.  They go to youth group every Saturday but to see them interacting with new people and loving the day together was a blessing.  They are so brave to always be the only white kids.  It isn't always easy.  Lydia even taught and Luka led games.  They made new friends and appreciated the worship the other church led.  I even heard Luka compare it to 7th grade camp at HCS in Michigan (a very meaningful experience in his life).  That is huge for him to say he enjoyed the worship that much!  Praise the Lord!  So thankful our kids can have all they need and more here, with their friends, and our church.

July ended with Lydia's 20th birthday!
We love you Lydia!!!

We even surprised her at youth group with a cake.
Luka did a great job surprising her with a "choir" and came out singing Happy Birthday with the cake. 

And Lydia had some of her friends over for games and cake.
A great birthday, great friends, and a great young lady to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Mandy, I enjoyed your pictures and comments.I have known Josh since he was little when my husband served the Mc
    Bain CRC. Bob and I have kept touch with Paul and Carole over the years and have often read your name in her letter at
    Christmas time. I admire what you and Josh are doing in Uganda so much. We know the value of Marriage Encounter and Freedom in
    Christ and are thrilled with the responses you are getting to wonderful programs like these. Personally, as a fellow Pastor's wife, my heart warms when I see you caring for and teaching your children, decorating your home, and supporting Josh in his Kingdom work.
    When I married Bob, he planned to be a Chemistry professor but God had other ideas. We served in NY and in 4 MI churches before
    Bob began his work as Specialized Transitional Pastor. That was interesting and challenging. We would only stay for a few years at most and then would move on to another place that was struggling for one reason or another. That came after all three of our sons were grown and married. I loved meeting new people, and we have stayed in touch with some of them. Very satisfying. We served in NJ, AZ, CA, MN, AZ, NM,
    AZ, and another church in CA before retiring here in AZ. Now we live in Pueblo Norte, and Independent Living for Seniors Property in Scottsdale, and love it. Over the years I have been a Bible and an English teacher, a public speaker, a writer for Coffee Break, and a mentor.
    Different churches opened up new opportunities for service. While here at Pueblo, I listen and encourage (using my skills that I learned as a Steven Minister), and do lots of visiting. So many people struggle with loneliness, dementia, and physical problems. Since I have had my share of back and shoulder surgeries, I can relate. II Corinthians 1: 3-4 and Philippians 4r:13 are two favorite verses.
    Keep up the good work, Mandy. Your children are interesting and special, and I love that Lydia could help with the translation work! May God continue to bless the things you do on a daily basis to enhance His Kingdom and fulfill the gifts you have been given.
    Fondly, Donna Walter
