Thursday, August 3, 2023

Free 2 Lead

Josh wrote the simplified version of Free 2 Lead and taught it to the teaching team here.
Everyone appreciated it.  The struggles as a leader are real and common.  Many of our teachers found healing, were encouraged and strengthened to continue leading at home and in ministry.

I love the emphasis on prayer in FIC and among our teachers in Uganda.
It is beautiful and powerful.

Josh allows anyone to get a Bible if they learn ten verses from the book of John.
FIC classes in churches, prisons, and school continue to learn God's Word and receive a Bible. 

The FIC women.

Emalai was there all week helping cook, serve and wash dishes.

Everyone knows and loves Makai!  It is a blessing to be a part of FIC Uganda as a family.

I love our FIC teachers!  It is always a blessing to be together.  I am proud of them always willing to learn and giving of their time and energy each week to teach God's Truth to others.  I am realizing my role more and more is to pray for the FIC teachers, their families, and the teaching.  I also enjoy giving the group a blessing at the end of the week from God's Word and praying over them.  What a privilege!  

The FIC group is so appreciative and encouraging.  This time we shared that Josh was chosen to be one of the presenters on the new Grace Course and that he is praying about a leadership position with FIC International.  They all agreed that FIC see what they see in Josh.  They also appreciated me for my love and prayers for them and how I respect and support Josh.

Let me leave you with some of the testimonies from Free 2 Lead:
- I did not think some of the steps to freedom for leaders applied to me but as I went through them I realized I need this.
- Anxiety was making leading hard but I failed to see it, now I see a way forward.
- I realize I also make mistakes just like the people I lead do.
- I see leading means serving.
- The steps to freedom were helpful.  I need to give more time to my family.
- The steps left no room for excuses.  I learned to be open with my problems and find help.  I need to prioritize time with God over seeking money.
- I learned not to defend myself as a leader, but to be open and accountable.

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