Wednesday, August 23, 2023


We have done more traveling than usual this year - four countries and counting!
This time we traveled to Ethiopia!
For years now our Ethiopian co-worker with FIC, Zemmen, has invited us to come.  Finally in August we made it work and spent a week in Ethiopia.  Josh taught the FIC Marriage Course.  The whole experience was a blessing to our family.  We all enjoying seeing a new place and experiencing a new culture.  Luka was very excited to go and now says it was his favorite out of all the travels!  

We stayed in Addis Ababa at the beautiful Haile Grand Hotel.
We were spoiled!  We loved the hotel and the kind staff became our friends over the week.

 Everything was beautiful!
Great views of the city.

So fun to enjoy so many treats!

The hotel had an Ethiopian restaurant with a cultural band, singing, dancing and of course food.  We loved it and went three times!  The food is...different.  The sauces are good but they like their spice.  The injera ("bread") I can't fully explain.  Looks like a big crepe under the sauce and rolled up on the side.  It is light, room temperature and has a sour taste.  It is an experience.

And you have to have coffee after every meal.  It was great!  They roast the beans, grind them and heat the coffee over coals in their traditional pot.  Very small cups for very strong coffee.  Served with incense and snacks.

We really enjoyed the cultural band and dancing!  It was very interesting to see their instruments, clothes and the way they can move their bodies!  So fun!

Lydia, Luka and I went craft shopping.

They have so many cultural dresses - beautiful!

This is Luka and Addis the Uber driver God gave us who quickly became our friend.  He is a brother in Christ and took good care of us.  He showed us around, helped us barter, and didn't want to be paid - he even paid for our coffee!  (Don't worry, we blessed him for his kindness!)  We learned so much from Addis and had a wonderful time together.

When in Ethiopia, do as Ethiopians!
Coffee! (Lydia's is the traditional, mine is what they call a macchiato - basically expresso and milk.  But always small cups.  What do they think of American coffee shops?!) 

One of the biggest treats in Addis Ababa was the weather.
The city is about 9000ft up so it was so nice and cool - perfect!  It was rainy season while we were there.  Most days it rained on and off and it could even feel cold.  Day time was around 65 to 70 degrees and nights were in the 50's.  We didn't sweat for a week!

While Josh was leading the conference the kids did their homeschooling.

After the school work was done we enjoyed the hotel.  They had a pool (heated) and games like table tennis and foosball.  (Note Makai and Luka's soda in another language.)  

Teachers break with "Special Tea" - honey, citrus and ginger tea.

Had to wear swim caps there - funny!

Back to our favorite restaurant!

Luka got to try one of the cultural guitars
and dance!

Traditional Coffee Stand

Josh teaching the FIC Marriage Course at the training center in Suluta.
Wedding vows

Lydia and I enjoyed walking along the roadside by the hotel when we got a chance to see what we could see.  Of course we got coffee!

One of our many new friends at the hotel.  They were so good to us!

Josh and I met the owner and world champion runner, Mr. Haile.  He won Olympic gold metals and I am told he holds many world records.  A hero in Ethiopia yet humble and kind.

One more time...

Our waitress that Lydia made friends with.

Sunday we all went out to Suluta for church.
A wonderful day with beautiful mountains, cool temps (rain) and God's people!

Note our new cultural clothes!

Coffee time - roasting the beans.

Zemmen's daughter Kaku and Makai.  They had a great time together!

Walking to church.

We enjoyed worshiping with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ethiopia.
Their language, singing, all very different from Uganda.

Praying for the kids.  I love that they stay in the church service the whole time.  It seems the normal is each family only has a few kids.  Totally different than Uganda. 

Josh preached on forgiveness as Zemmen translated.

After church they served us a feast.

And no meal is complete without coffee.
Makai sat so nice and just watched the lady making it.

Thank you Zemmen and Mercy for inviting us, welcoming us, and blessing our stay in Ethiopia!

Both families - now friends.

Lots of rain.

In Suluta there were these tuk tuks and horse and carts for transport.

One last shopping adventure...

Dresses galore!

We are so thankful for a wonderful time as a family in Ethiopia!

Just for laughs - this is how I knew I was back in the Ugandan Airport bathroom. ;)

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