Monday, September 11, 2023

FIC Marriage Course Pilot Project

Josh and his team of two other couples began writing (or rewriting) the Marriage Course for Freedom in Christ while we were Stateside three years ago.  Since we have been back in Uganda Josh has continued work on the course, making it ready for the next step in the process.  This Spring three couples volunteered and were chosen to be the presenters for the Marriage Course.  Josh was an obvious pick, but to be a presenter of the Marriage Course needs both spouses to present together.  I told Josh I would do this because I strongly believe he should do this.  FIC International leader also asked me if I would be willing.  I told him I am not a gifted teacher like my husband but I am willing to stand by him so he can be a part of this.  He assured me I can do this, I have a great smile, and it is the producer's job to make you look good and sound good.  Ok, here we go!

Honestly, it has been more work than I imagined and I was quite stressed at times about recording myself teaching and the responsibility.  I already feel full with being a wife, mother (especially of a 3 year old), homeschooling and mission life.  For the last three months we have been meeting with our team of presenters - a couple from Malaysia and a couple from Columbia living in Florida.  I have enjoyed getting to know these couples and working together.  We are all passionate about God's design for marriage and sharing this Truth with others.  Every week as a couple we had to record our session and share with each other for feedback.  Living in Africa seems to complicate everything.  The internet is the hardest thing because you never know if it will be strong enough, have a huge delay, or a rain story will cut it off.  Leading meeting is a challenge, not to mention uploading our videos.  Then there is finding a place to record that is quiet and uninterrupted.  It has been a lot of trial and error.  And to be frank, it's hard to look nice when you are sweating!  Just saying...

After two months of learning our lessons and how to present we moved to re-recording for the Marriage Course Pilot Project.  These videos would be used to teach a group who volunteered to go through a trial run of the course and give us feedback so the course can be further worked on if need be.  Lydia has become our recorder and we have learned to set our papers up all around her at the same level so we can read and look at the camera.  I struggle to get my parts totally right but I am doing the best I can without professional help.  I enjoy finding a new area each week to record our lessons making it nice to look at and keep the crowd guessing where we maybe next. :)

August 31 the pilot project began and will be continuing every Thursday for nine weeks.  I was nervous, mostly for Josh who was leading with the technical help of our international leader.  I have never been on meetings quite like this or in a course like this.  I really loved seeing people from all over the world come together to do this!  We have Europe, America, Canada, Africa, Caribbean, Asia, and Central America...that is pretty much around the world!  Josh and I went to town to try our best to have good internet, a quiet place, and be uninterrupted.  We were good for 90% of the time but then internet glitched and it began to rain (we were sitting outside).  All in all it went well and I really enjoyed the discussion groups.  I told Josh I didn't want to or have time to be apart of the pilot project, but maybe I will if my girls can mange the home and kids for me.   

Depending on how this pilot project goes, we hope the Marriage Course will be filmed in 2024 and then produced.  What a long process.  We will see what the Lord does and His timing, but we do know it will be for His glory!

This is a new adventure for Josh and I.  God seems to opening new opportunities for us/him with Freedom in Christ.  Josh is not only writing, recording and leading the Marriage Course but he is also preparing to be a presenter on the new Grace Course.  He has a lot of online meetings now days!  October 15-21 is the big filming in England.

Pray for us in this busy season being a part of new FIC courses.  Pray that the Marriage Course pilot project goes well, people faithfully attend and are open to God's work in their marriage, that internet works well, for helpful feedback, and strength and wisdom to lead.  Pray that the Marriage Course will be ready to film and be produced in 2024.  May God make His truth and His design for marriage known.  May He bring healing, build up, transform, and fill marriages around the world through this resource.

Here is a little taste of the Marriage Course recording we did.

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