Wednesday, May 8, 2024

FIC Africa Conference in Uganda & Lydia's Outreach Update

Pray for the Freedom in Christ Africa conference in Uganda this week!  We are very excited to host the conference and would love you to pray with us for:  

-60 people traveling to the conference

-30 people traveling in from 8 other countries

-Rain to not interfere with our plans

-For God to speak to us and leads FIC Africa

From Lydia:
We are one day away from leaving Angola. I have attached a video with some highlights from the last week of ministry. We worked with kid's discipleship at Projecto Ser each day, conducted a fellowship for the elderly, ran two church services (one on a beach at a fishing village and the other on a hill where children meet at a local house each Sunday night), helped conduct an open air crusade, and did a weekend camp for the local DTS. I am in awe of how much God is at work!

As we travel, please keep the following in your prayers....
1. Our team will have a hard time leaving and saying goodbye. Please pray for comfort and wisdom how to do goodbyes well 
2. Our travel to the Himba tribe on Friday. It will be from 3 a.m. to night. 
3. Adjusting to the Himba tribe and living in a harsher environment.
4. The students who are going through a lot of personal "spiritual surgery" admits a crazy schedule.
5. Provision for a bus that will take us to Namibia after a week at the Himba tribe. 

Thank you so, so, so much for your prayers! Our team is seeing them being answered and we are encouraged as well as strengthened to know you've got our backs in prayer!

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