Monday, May 20, 2024

FIC Uganda 2024


Praise God for FIC Uganda '24!
    Eight years ago FIC Africa had it's first conference in Kenya with about 12 people and six African countries.  This year we invited FIC Africa to Uganda for our second conference.  We had about 65 people and 9 African Countries represented (Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Nigeria, South Sudan, and Ethiopia).  We prayed for months leading up to the conference and God answered our prayers, doing more than we could have asked or imagined!  
    I wish I could sit down and tell you all about it because I am having a hard time putting it into words.  My heart feels full!  I will be processing it all for awhile.  As our international director said, "This conference could prove to be a historical moment for FIC Africa." 
    Josh and I were so pleased the leaders in Africa agreed to have the conference in Soroti, Uganda.  We wanted people to come and see what God was doing here.  We spent all of April getting ready.  There were a lot of logistics getting people from all over Africa (and the US and UK) all the way to Soroti.  Thankfully we make a good team and it was fun to plan and host together.  Plus we were blown away with appreciation from everyone who came.  Appreciation goes a long way!  People appreciated the simplicity of the whole conference - that is the way Josh and I tend to do things.  They loved being in a rural setting, experiencing the village, and were pleasantly surprised by the nice accommodations.  As one person said, "It was authentic."
    Howard and Aileen, our dear leaders, friends, and mentors, came in a few days early to be with us and help us in any way.  It was 10 years ago they came to our house in Obule the first time.  It was a joy to share with them how far we've come.  We were able to go through the schedule, do the last details and pray together for the conference.  The conference is a testimony to their faithfulness to God.  They came to Kenya as the first FIC leaders in Africa.  From them, God has raised up a team and FIC is now in 9 African countries.  Thank you Howard and Aileen!
    Josh flew down to Entebbe to welcome the people coming into the airport for the conference.  The next day they all flew up on MAF to Soroti where we welcomed them and start the conference.  Others came by bus and taxi from other African countries.  And our Ugandan FIC teachers arrived on motorcycles and taxis.  God answered our prayers prayed the days leading up to the conference, "The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." (Ps. 121:8)
    Excitement was in the air as people reconnected and met for the first time (at least in person).  Isn't it beautiful when the nations come together and we are already unified in the love of Christ?!  We had three days of meetings, worship, prayers, country reports and fellowship.  Each morning our Ugandan team led worship with local instruments.  The others at the conference LOVED it!  We had no idea the local worship would have such an impact.  In a day in age where most churches are going modern, it was good for us to see the appreciation for local instruments. 
    Ibrahim, our Africa leader from Nigeria, opened the conference.  Our theme was "Leadership Empowerment - Stronger Together".  He used the example that one stick is easily broken but a bundle of sticks is hard to break.  We need unity not uniformity.  And we need to be like Jesus so we can do like Jesus.  Steve Goss, our international director, came and spoke about equipping the church to disciple.  God chose the church to disciple.  We are here to equip the church not replace it.  FIC wants to transform church leaders so the church can transform the nations.  Josh did a powerful teaching on prayer.  Prayer is our strategy, not used to bless our strategy.  He used Mark 2:1-5 where the four friends brought the lame man to Jesus and it was THEIR faith that Jesus saw so healed the man.  Prayer is bringing people to Jesus.  We all need people to pray for us and for the ministry.  Like the disciples we say, "Jesus, teach us to pray." 
    In the mist of hearing about the work God has been doing in Uganda and praying for one another, Ibrahim felt God say now is the time to appoint a Ugandan director.  Josh and the Ugandan team have been praying for God to raise up a Ugandan to lead FIC Uganda.  Josh has been filling the role but it was always the desire for a national to fill the role.  Since Josh took the new leadership position with FIC, we increased the prayers for a Ugandan to rise up.  In the last years Michael Obino has helped Josh and become the program coordinator.  Michael has been feeling God's calling to be the director.  So Ibrahim, Josh and Michael talked, got approval from the board in Uganda and Michael was appointed  the new director of FIC Uganda at the conference!  As we gathered to appoint Michael, Steve called Josh and I up for this special moment.  He acknowledged us for the work we have done, the foundation laid, and this big moment for us and our team.  It was an unexpected meaningful moment.  Here we were seeing the fruit of the years of labor.  God was bearing the fruit.  Michael's life was transformed by the discipleship of FIC and he shared it with others and now he was going to lead Uganda in FIC.  A passing on of the baton, but Steve forgot the baton so Josh grabbed the stick from the drums.  Josh had the Ugandan area leaders stand with Michael and Josh handed the "baton" to Michael with tears.  By then Michael, Charles and many of us had tears.  A holy moment.  Josh prayed and Michael came and stood with him.  God has done great things!  After that Isaac was appointed the first prayer coordinator for FIC Uganda and everyone prayed for him.  Thank you God!
    By now in the conference we all knew this is special and God is doing big things!  Saturday we said goodbye to the Uganda teachers and prayed for them as they went home to lead in their churches on Sunday.  I shared Mark 16:13 and 19-20 where Jesus tells his disciples to go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.  The disciples obeyed and the Lord worked with them.  The Lord worked with them!  They did have to do it alone and neither do we.  God is on our side, our co-worker!  The work isn't a burden because He shares it with us.  He calls and empowers us for the calling.  We go with Christ!  Powerful encouragement for our Lord.  After I spoke and prayed, one of the women came to me and told me I have a beautiful heart and she can see I really love the Lord.  Then she spoke a blessing over me, "May God enlarge your territory."  Amen!
    Saturday evening everyone came to our house for supper (the 32 that remained after the Uganda teachers left).  Ok, I went back and forth about this.  Should we?  Is that too many people?  Is it worth the cost to get them here?  Will they be bored?  But I kept feeling it was important for them to see our lives and share our home.  So with nervousness and excitement we went for it.  And I am so glad we did!  They loved the village!  We took a walk to our neighbor Charles (and Margaret who were at the conference with us), to the school and to Martin and Kristine's who had also been at the conference.  It was fun to see them explore the village, the plants, the crops, see their new friends, fetching water at the borehole, and be fascinated by kids collecting termites.  I never would have thought Africans would get so excited about the village.  It was so fun.  We all had dinner at our home (I ordered Indian food to make it easy!).  After the meal I decided to have everyone share a highlight from the conference so far or from their year with FIC.  I did not know it would become a time of thanksgiving to Josh and I.  That was embarrassing.  But was it?  Glory to God!!!  To sit and hear what people were experiencing and seeing in Uganda, in us, because of our work...was all because of God.  Humbling.  God has done so much.  Not because of me!  Honestly I am usually at my weakest living here, not at my best.  I love it and hate it.  Earlier in one of Steve's teachings he talked about how God uses the broken.  That's me.  It is beyond my ability but not God's.  His power rests on me in my weakness.  I have learned and see again that if I abide in Christ, seek Him and be with Him, He will produce fruit.  Thank you God for the encouragement you gave us!  It is the highest compliment of all for others to say they see Christ in us.
    Howard said with tears in his eyes, "we are experiencing things that money cannot purchase."  That's it.  What we were experiencing in this conference was pure joy that the world can't give.  I looked around at everyone that night with a heart of thanksgiving.  As  they loaded the bus to go back to the hotel our friend Zemen said he has known a lot of missionaries over the years but never once has a missionary invited him into their home.  He was so touched.  I thank you God for using our home to show His love.
    Sunday was another great day!  We divided into five groups to go to five different districts to five different churches of FIC teachers.  After church each group had lunch with the church leaders and then went to the local prison to see the FIC prison ministry.  It was a powerful day!  I took a group to our church in Obule.  We had a wonderful worship service and Frank from Tanzania preached a powerful message on Truth.  Our church was so excited to have new friends from other countries.  After a nice local lunch together we went with Margaret to the women's prison in Soroti.  My group was really touched by this experience.  There are eight children in the prison right now with their mothers.  One young mother gave birth three days ago, she was so precious.  Can you imagine being born in a prison?  The officer in charge was very welcoming and appreciative of FIC.  She seem to have a heart for the women there and desired to see them go out changed.
    In the evening after all the groups came back to the hotel we shared what God showed us.  Here are some of the things people said:
- Amazed, blown away by it all.
- It was a privilege to see.  Josh shared the Gospel in the prison with a commitment and first one came then many came forward to give their lives to Jesus.  The officers at the prison said it is because of FIC that nearly all the prisoners are saved.
- Blessed.  People are so responsive here.
- The simplicity of the Gospel, love of everyone, and their happiness with little touched me.
- It was my first time in prison.  Ten were saved and eleven in the church today.
- I saw the ministry is growing.  FIC is known.  It is linking different people from different denominations.
- Awesome!  We were received.  In the prison I saw hope and it touched me as they worshiped.
- The church here amazed me.  It was a miracle for me.  I learned a lot.  The prison was powerful.  Awesome to see them form a church and appoint a pastor.  Seven people were saved in the prison and four in the church today.
- Amazing, welcoming and I thank God I was able to interact with these people.
- Transforming.
- Privilege to see the work that has been put into these relationships.
- Fun, exciting, and thankful for all FIC has done. 
- The hand of God is in prison.  I saw freedom and worship there.

    Monday was our last day of the conference.  We asked God what He wants us to do with all He taught us and prayed for one another.  We celebrated communion with one another.  And had a fun joke night together thanks to Steve. (Jokes really don't cross cultures but it was fun!)  Tuesday morning we said goodbye once again.  Everyone was so appreciative and thankful for all we did to make this conference happen and for sharing our lives and ministry with them.  Many people told me how much they love our family and were blessed to see our kids embracing the culture, loving the Lord and interacting with everyone.  I tired to remind myself to receive.  So often I fail to really take it in or explain it away.  God was blessing us with affirmation and I needed to receive it.  FIC Africa was leaving touched, with Uganda in their hearts!  As our international director said, "I think this conference will prove to be a historical moment in FIC Africa."  Amen, thanks be to our God!!!
Dear friends and co-workers Howard and Aileen.

Getting ready at the hotel. Putting Ugandan gift bags in the room. 

Arriving at Soroti airport on MAF.

A little fun with water bottle baseball!

Michael commissioned as Uganda director!

Isaac commissioned as prayer coordinator for Uganda.

Charles had this picture from the first FIC Uganda graduation ten years ago,
where Josh and Rob gave the certificates.
Josh, Charles, Margaret and Rob back together again at the conference!

Bus ride to Shaardas' house!

Makai and Zemen were best Buddies!

Off to different villages for church and prison ministry.

Climbing the rock behind the hotel. 

Country Leaders

The group leaving on MAF.
God goes with you my friends and co-workers in Christ.
Thanks for taking Uganda FIC with you in your hearts.  The glory is the Lord's!

Here is what our African director wrote to us:

On behalf of Freedom in Christ Ministries Africa, I extend our deepest gratitude for your exceptional generosity and unwavering support during our recent conference in Soroti. Your contributions were pivotal in making the event a resounding success.

Your hospitality in hosting about 70 participants at the hotel in Soroti, along with the 13 of us who flew in through Entebbe, was truly remarkable. Covering the hotel accommodations, meals, and logistics from Entebbe to Soroti and back ensured that our attendees were well taken care of and could focus on the conference's purpose.

Additionally, arranging and transporting us for Sunday service visits to the churches and prison centers was a profound experience. The result of about 100 people giving their lives to Christ is a testament to the impact of your efforts. Your role as facilitator and MC/Coordinator plus the involvement of your entire family was crucial in ensuring the smooth running of the sessions.

Among other things, inviting us to some of your leaders’ homes and your home to serve us dinner was a gesture of warmth and kindness that we deeply appreciate.

Thank you once again for your extraordinary support. Your dedication to our mission has made a lasting impact. The Lord will surely remember your family for His work in Africa and beyond!

Warm regards.

Ibrahim Dikko

1 comment:

  1. What a joy to read about God's work through your ministry! Thank you for sharing all this.
