Monday, August 20, 2007

31 March 2007

One last day to write this month before I try to send it off and start a new month of journaling. Have you read all six pages?

Friday Angie and I went with the girls to Dewires house to play. Amy (Dewire) had another Baptist missionary there to meet us too. Actually, Angie met her in May when they were here. Mandy Pitman and two kids. They are all so nice. Amy is so hospitable. I always feel welcomed and she is so kind and helpful. The kids love playing together. We even had lunch there.

We have a prayer request. There is a boy named Steven who came to our house the first week we were in Soroti. He asked Josh for money to pay his school fees. Since then he has come to greet Josh almost everyday. He is 12 years old and an orphan. His father and mother were killed by the LRA in 2003. He is all alone. He found an empty hut to live in in the refugee camp. Can you imagine living on your own at such a young age? Josh asked how he eats. He said some days he eats other days he doesn't. This week he has been hanging out a lot with Josh and Tim and has helped with various jobs. He has eaten supper with us a couple times. We aren't quite sure how to handle this situation. Our hearts break for him and many others like him, but what do we do? I just pray he is able to feel Christ's love and experience the love of a family through all of us.

Angie and I finally got to wonder through our second hand clothing market. It was very neat and nice. How fun! I got Lydia a few things, Josh a couple more shirts, and I even got a pair of pants. Lydia was thrilled with her “new” clothes. What a girl!

Lydia recognizes most of her letters and some of the numbers. She was looking at the Easter card Grandma Shaarda sent and she told me every letter on the front of the card. What a little smarty.

Our girls have also been pron to accidents the last few days. Do all three year olds get this many owies? Lydia was running into the house to get a wash clothe when she tripped and smacked her forehead right on the door frame. I have never seen a goose egg form so quickly on a child's head. It was huge and split open just a bit. No blood thankful. Boy did she cry. It must have hurt and caused quite the headache. We are so glad she has been fine ever since. Then tonight Grace was playing by the gate and bent down into a bar and punched her forehead. There was blood and tears but it was just a little poke thankfully. I am grateful for everyone praying for them. I don't think I could handle anything more sever.

We all had pizza together tonight. What a lot of work to make five pizzas. Make the dough, cut the veggies, make the sauce, shed the cheese, put the pizzas together, bake, and do all the dishes. But they were good and everyone enjoyed them including Steven and Patric.

And in case you are wondering, there is still no water. My patience is running thin. We do have power which I am grateful for. It is still hot but it has rained once and there are clouds in the sky.

I love you all! Enjoy the journal. God be with all of you,


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