Sunday, March 21, 2010

Doing Well

Luka is out of ICU! Actually, we kinda got kicked out because they needed his bed for a child who was sicker than Luka, but Luka was well enough to move to a ward.

Luka is now off of dialysis for the next 24 hours to see how his kidneys will work. So good to be free! He loves taking walks and being held. Every car we pass on our walk he wants to get in and get out of here. He continues to urinate and his toxin levels are now down (3 times higher - when he came they were 8 times higher than they should be). His blood and oxygen levels are stable.

And our baby boy is back! Luka is Luka again. He is smiling, playing, laughing, and we are even happy to see him cry again. It is so good to see. He is annoyed with nurses and doctors again and has enough energy to fight.

Thanks for still praying for us! Luka had a ruff night last night. He woke up all sweaty yet cool and crying. Also, pray for grandma and our girls as they travel to Nairobi tomorrow. The doctors will continue to monitor Luka this week with blood work and keep him on antibiotics, but if all goes very well we MAY BE able to fly to Michigan by the end of the week where the doctors will finish his care (several weeks). Amazing. Time will tell if Luka will have long-term problems or complete healing. We will keep you posted.


  1. What wonderful news to read this morning! Praise God almighty!

  2. Continuing to pray for Luka's totaly and complete healing. We know God has a great plan for your little guy and we will continue to believe for a good report!!!

    Praying for your mom and the girls as well. May a hedge of protection encircle them and may they have safe travels.

    We can never give up on the goodness of our God!!!

    Love and prayers,

  3. We are so excited for you. Still praying for complete healing and good travels for all. We are so excited to see Lydia and Grace again. Tell your mom that we would love to have the girls for a day and possibly over night. I am excited for you to possibly be coming to MI soon. It warms my heart to know that I can help in ways other than prayer. Get ready the meals will be coming your way once here.

  4. Praise God!

    We continue to pray for complete healing for Luka and that you will continue to find your strength and peace in Jesus.

    Blessings to you,

    Bill & Donna Terpstra

  5. Praise God!

    We continue to pray for complete healing for Luka and that you will continue to find your strength and peace in Jesus.

    Blessings to you,

    Bill & Donna Terpstra

  6. Hopefully you'll allow a Norwegian to sneak in here amongst all these....amazing Dutch names! Thanks be to God for Luka's renewed health and spirit. We'll look forward to your next update!

  7. Praise the Lord!! What Great news. You are being held up on prayer and God is graciously answering. May all coninue to go well. Love and prayers, Delores

  8. We're so thankful and we'll continue praying for you all,
    Amy Vredevoogd & fam

  9. Oh, praise God!! I am so happy for all of you. What a joy to see Luka behaving like the little one that you love, again. I will keep praying for all of you.
    Mary Wheaton, CRHA
