Thursday, March 18, 2010


Luka is out of critical condition! What an answer to prayer and a reason to glorify God. Everything continues to progress in the right direction. Toxin levels are coming down, urine increasing, oxygen stable, and blood count stable but low. The doctor thinks maybe five more days on dialysis. After that we continue to do blood work, see at what precentage the kidneys are working, and continue to monitor. He even said we can take Luka off dialysis once a day to hold him and walk outside. Luka is really weak but loves to play ball with us. I even got my first smile today! Luka loves to drink (gets pediasure). He started by allowing 30ml every three hours now he is getting 100ml. He isn't eating much. He only likes watermellon right now.

We are so thankful for the doctors here, all of your prayers, and God's love and healing over Luka. We still have a long road ahead but at least now it isn't so unkown and scary.

Lydia, Grace, and my mom will arrive here Monday night and fly out again Wednesday night with Ryan and Rebeka. We look forward to seeing our girls (it will have been two weeks). It will be good for them to see Luka too and understand what is happening. Then someday we will meet up with them again in Michigan when Luka is stable enough to fly. We will do follow up care with the doctors there.

-Pray for us as we try to close up our house and wrap up details from so far away.
-Thank God for Tim and Angie, Bobbi and Rachel, and the Dwire family who have helped us so much.
-Pray for us as we deal with health insurance. We are so thankful they are paying but we need to figure out how to get the money here. Just one more thing to think about and do.
-Pray too for the girls and my mom to have a safe trip. We heard today about some possible riots in Kampala where they have to travel through to get to the airport, so pray for a peacful and safe journey.
-Continue to pray for a full recovery for Luka
-Pray for Luka to get stronger physically and heal from this trama mentally and spiritually
-Pray for us as we are here and continue to figure things out and make plans for the future.

Thanks again. We serve a great God!


  1. So glad to hear things have turned around! Still praying for you guys...

  2. Hello Shaardas...
    Rick Vanderwal here - remember us from the McBain days at Calvin? :-)
    We prayed for you and for Luka in church on Sunday after we heard about your struggles for the first time. We are so thankful to see answers to prayer and how Luka is improving. Praise the Lord!!!

    The Lord continue to strengthen and keep you and your family.

    Rick and Brenda Vanderwal

  3. Shaardaaaaaaaaaaaasss! It is so good to hear this news. We are like all tracking with you and Luka's health and the many related issues (is the passport thing worked out yet?). We love you dearly and mucho. You have taken over my mind (in a good way) and I hold up those thoughts to the Father.

  4. Praise God!!! We continue to praise God and also pray for continued healing. We are also praying for Grace and Lydia and their changes in the next few weeks. We continue to pray especially for Luka and healing enough for travel. We pray for you, Josh and Mandy, for patience, strength and guidance as to the future. (I did think maybe I could bring you the insurance money that you are not sure how to get there.)
    blessings U Larry and A Suzanne

  5. Not sure how I got NMCS Drill team on the comment so please ignore

  6. Thanks for sharing the good news! I'm so glad Luka is slowly getting better and that you are getting good care from the doctors there! Please let us know how we can help from IT US. We are praying!!

  7. Wonderful news! I pray his progress continues to get better!

  8. So thankful things are starting to get better for you. Please know so many people are praying for you! Our GEMS group prayed for you last night as well. We will also pray for your doctors - God is at work... you are touching their lives... just like God to turn something bad into good, isn't it?!
    Strength and perserverence for each day...
    Kim (Georgetown CRC)

  9. God is amazing and much more!!! Praise him! So happy to read these last two updates and see how Jesus continues to interceed for you all.

  10. Praise God for the small improvements everyday! What an amazing God we serve, right!! We will not stop praying for your family. You are a part of our daily prayers. In fact our girls ask everyday, "How is baby Luka from Africa doing?" It is so great to be able to tell them good news. The pictures you post are so bittersweet. I love seeing the love in your eyes as you look on Luka and he is SO VERY precious, just wish the circumstances were better. All in time. Keep your faith and know you are all loved greatly.

    Cara and Steve VanderWerf

  11. SO thankful to hear this news. Our daughter Eva was baptized with Luka, and we've been following your family from a distance and keeping little Luka in our prayers. Blessings and continued healing!

    Kristin and Jack Du Mez

  12. We stand amazed at what God is doing, (and yet why should we be, He's an amazing God!) What's also amazing is that in the midst of all that you are dealing with, you continue to witness about your God and pray that Luka's doctors will come to know Him. Thank you for your example. Please know that you continue to be in our constant prayers. If there is anything we can do for you here, all you have to do is ask.
    We send you our love and prayers.
    Larry & Linda Klein

  13. Hallelujah! So thankful with you and for you! We'll continue praying daily. Our kids thought it was pretty funny at first when we were praising God for potty. :) We'll keep praising Him for potty though, and all the other wonderful signs of Luka's improvement and answered prayer.

  14. Finally catching up on your blog and was in tears at the pictures of you both holding Luka again - such an answer to prayer to be able to have your son in your arms, and to have him healing - Praise God so much. I am so thrilled that he is improving and that you will get to see Lydia and Grace. Keeping all of you in my prayers and my heart and sending much love. Kate

  15. I just have to share this. Today as I was picking Eli up from school I asked him how his day was. He said good and he told me that he asked his teachers to pray for his sister's friend Ashley's brother, who is really sick. I then asked him what is wrong with Ashley's brother. He said you know the one that lives far away, the one we pray for every night. I then realized he was talking about Annabelle's friend Lydia and her brother Luka. I thought it was so cute. It's a good thing God knows Eli's heart and who he was talking about. Know that even the little kids are praying for Luka, even if it's not by the right name.

    We are praising God for healing and continue to lift you and Luka up in prayer.

  16. Shaarda Family,
    We are happy to find your blog to keep updated, you have been in our prayers constantly since hearing from Tim and Angie as well as Ryan and Rebeka(fellow Fairway family). Luka will continue to be in our prayers and we are happy to know how specifically to pray. Mandy as a fellow mother of a 14 month old my heart especially goes out to you, I'm sure it's near impossible to leave his side or sleep. Praying for peace that surpasses understanding and that you stay healthy as well!
    Praises to God for answered prayers and praying for miraculously fast healing!
    Amanda De Vree (Ringerwole) and family

  17. Praise God for this wonderful update!! We have been following Luka's progress closely and forwarding all of your updates to our friends and family located all around the world in hopes that we would all unite in prayer for this precious baby boy and his family!! We will certainly continue to pray for complete healing for Luka, comfort and strength for you, wisdom for the medical professionals treating him, and safe travels for the rest of your family as they return home. GOD BLESS YOU ALL - The Lauffers

  18. Hallelujah!! Wonderful news!! Still praying...

  19. Josh and Mandy-
    We are praying for the both of you and for Luka. Praise God he is improving.
    Our prayer team meets on Thursdays and the last couple of weeks we have spent much time in prayer for you all.
    Stay strong, and know that God holds you in the palm of HIS hand.
    Much love to you
    Gwen and Aaron

  20. am so happy for you all- will continue to pray! rejoicing over the great and awesome news!

  21. Hello Shaarda Family. Our daughter and grandson are in Nairobi for the SIM-organization. We don't know if you need any assistance, but if so, maybe the SIM (Serving in Mission) is able to help you. We know about your situation through Tim and Angie and George Devuyst and we pray for you all.
    Ridderkerk - The Netherlands
    Jaap & Marjo van Dam

  22. By the way you can reach us through the following email addresses:
    Jaap van Dam:

    Jolanda & Nico - Nairobi:
