Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Praise God some good news

I just had to get on a computer to let you know we have some improvement. The doctors are happy, too, but warned us to smile with caution yet. They are hoping we have turned a bend. Luka now uninates half of the normal amount. And for the first time we are starting to see the toxin levels come down! A good sign. And right now his blood count is good.

Luka still needs your prayers. We found out the chest x-ray showed an acute lung injury which means the HUS has attached his lungs (it is known to happen with HUS). That is why his oxygen levels have gone down. They are watching it but can't do anything about it. As other things improve his lungs should too. We also just noticed that one of his legs is a little swollen. The nurse does not seem too alarmed but she is doing some tests and informed the doctor. We just want him well; these setbacks are hard on us.

As I read the new email and cards Ryan and Rebeka brought, many of you said you were storming the gates of heaven with prayer. I was struck by this and feel that God really did something last night. Thank you! God is at work.

Also, Ryan and Rebeka made it in last night and it is nice to have someone to talk to. Our girls are thrilled to have grandma and especially their cousins back. Grace keeps coming up to her grandma and just squeezing her leg. Pray for Sliedrechts as they adjust back to Soroti - not easy anyways and especially with everything else happening.

Thanks for helping us trust in God at this time.


  1. PRAISE GOD! He has heard our cries. I am rejoicing with you in this improvement. We continue to pray for healing for him and strength for you.

  2. Josh and Mandy,

    We continue to pray for you and little Luka. Know that you do not travel alone. Not only are we, your brothers and sisters and Christ praying for you, but our Heavenly Father promises that He will never leave or forsake you. And He won't!

    Grace and peace to you.
    Aaron and Betsy Winkle

  3. So thankful for some positive news. Praying for you all.

  4. We rejoice with you in Luka's progress. Martin Reformed Church in MI continues in prayer for your family. We support the Sliedrechts.

  5. So happy to hear that Luka is doing somewhat better! You all have been in my mind and on my heart constantly and I keep raising your names and needs to our gracious Father. He knows you intimately and all that you need moment by moment. Trust him moment by moment and he will provide what you need right now and don't worry about the next hour, the next day, a week from now, etc. Easier for me to say than for you to do - but I believe that God gives sufficient grace only for the moment! We'll keep praying!

  6. You are all still in our prayers constantly during the day. We are thrilled to hear of improvements and that you finally have some family support with you. Thank God for our shrinking globe and air travel. Also prayers for Grandma Beute in Soroti with Lydia and Grace.
    John and Barb
