Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pictures and update

(The internet is slow here so I will only post four pictures for now.)

I am simply in awe of how God is answering your prayers for Luka! I post a prayer request and by the next day we see answer to the prayers. We were desprate to have some hope, some improvement. The next day Luka's toxin levels finally started to come down and his urine output has increased every day. Luka's oxygen levels have come up today - in the morning we noticed they were in the low 80's (the last two days they were in the high 70's) by noon they were high 80' and now in the 90's! His lungs are healing! Luka's leg was swelling last night because of the IV. This morning he has a new IV line in his other thigh and is doing well. We also prayed for Luka because he seems so down. This morning he was much more awake and "talking" with us. No smiles yet but that will come.
It is beautiful to know the family of God is lifting Luka up and see God work! Thank you God!!!
Please pray for continued healing.
Pray to for Luka to heal emotionally and physically too. He has been through a lot.
Pray for us as we try to make some plan yet still have to live day to day. It looks like we will be here a while. We are now making arrangements for our girls to fly home with my mom next week via Niarobi so we can see them.


  1. So happy to see progress for you guys! It has to be sooo hard. God is amazing! Thanks for the continued updates and we will continue to pray for you all and praise God for the good things he has already done!
    In Christ!
    The Hollebeek's

  2. Josh & Mandy & family. We have so been praying for you all. We, too, have 3 kids... and a baby that is 1 1/2. I cannot imagine.... but we are So glad to hear the good news. Wish we could do more... thinking of you. God is granting us miracles! Thank you for sharing with us your joy and sorrow!
    --The pictures are so great to see!!!
    Blessings, Angela VanMaanen
    - Ivanrest CRC member

  3. I just stopped by and was reading your post.
    I will pray for you and Luka.
    GOD is good and he will continue to be with your son.
    Prayers and hugs to you all.

  4. Yes, praise God for answers!!!

    I'm totally amazed at the people all over the world who are praying, even those who do not have a clue who you are.

    Our God is good to His people.

    Still praying...

  5. Lifted my arms in praise to our God the minute I saw the pictures of you both holding Luka!
    We will continue to hold you up in prayers according to your requests.
    Love to all of you!
    Deb O

  6. We are rejoicing with you as you see the AMAZING answers to prayers for Luka! We'll keep praying: "The Lord is faithful to all of His promises, and loving toward all He has made."
    Love, The VanderKooi's

  7. Once again, I praise God for Luka's progress. Only God could get him this far. Although I am sad for the reason that your girls will be coming to the US I am thrilled to be able to see them again. I will be contacting Mary when she is home and I will help her out any way she needs it. Finally I get to help out in ways more than prayer. I know Annabelle will be excited to see Lydia and Grace. Mrs. DeVries' class has been praying for Luka every day (at least that is what Annabelle said). If you need anything more please let me know. Like I said I will be calling your mom once they settle in. If Lydia will be back at HCS while in the US I would be more than willing to carpool or help out in any way possible. Keep praising God!

  8. Praising God today for progress for Luka. God so knew you needed some encouraging reports. We will be continuing to pray for complete healing for your beautiful little boy - and also for strength and endurance for you both. God is faithful - rest in Him! Much love, Ron and Jan Brinks

  9. Praise God! for the wonderful things he has done! I'm so happy to see the pictures of Luka he is looking a lot better.Continue prayers going out to all of you.

    God Bless,
    The Carter's (McBain CRC)

  10. Hi Josh & Mandy!

    I'm so glad to see the pictures of you holding Luka! I can't imagine not being able to hold Reuben for that long! We continue to pray for all of you and we're asking God for continued recovery for Luka, strength and peace for you two and that He would line up all the detail stuff in His perfect way!

    Sending our love! Olivia (&LMR)

  11. we continue to pray for your family and especially for Luka's comlete healing. Our God can do anything! When we are weak HE is strong!!

    with you in Christ,

    Evie and Jud Afman

  12. we continue to pray for your family and especially for Luka's complete healing. Our God can and will do anything! When we are weak HE is strong! Praise God!

    In Christ,
    Evie and Jud Afman

  13. So glad to hear the good news...and that you're heading back to states for follow up care. It'll be nice to have family around. Sending lots of hugs and prayers!!
