Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quick update

Just wanted to let you know before anyone panics that Luka's leg was swollen because of his IV. It was leaking earlier and later began to swell so they removed it tonight and will put another one in tomorrow.

I will try to get some pictures posted soon as I can. Now it is time for bed. Thanks again everyone.


  1. Thanks so much for your updates, it's so awesome to read how he answers prayers =) PRAISE GOD!

  2. We're thankful that Luka seems to be improving. We will continue in prayer for you all.
    Terri Mulder & family(georgetown crc)

  3. Praying that God will heal your little boy and that you will be sustained as only He can provide. God bless you all!

  4. Added you to my prayer blog and my own personal blog.

    Believing in the power of prayer!!!
