Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Praise God!

I am so excited that I just had to write and let you know. I have had a real burden for Luka's doctors here because we love them so much but they don't know the Lord. Last night as we prayed over Luka I asked the Lord to do some healing that was such a miracle the doctors had to see it. Today Luka's oxygen came up suprisingly. The doctor came in for the normal check up and talk and he asked Josh if he had any explanation for the change in oxygen. Josh said a lot of people were praying. The doctor said you have powerful prayers? Josh said no we have a powerful God. He yes it does appear that way.

I am so excited! Praise be to God. Keep praying!

While I am writing anyway, Josh and I are beginning to feel a lot of emotions. With all the decisions we have to make for our girls, details to take care of with shutting up our home in Soroti, and not know how long we will be here we are feeling a bit stressed. Please pray for God's peace over us, wisdom to do what is right for our family, and help to do all the detail. We are busy and tired. Thanks.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Praising God with you! The GEMS at Westview CRC are praying for Luka and your family!!!
    Love in Christ,
    Sue Thornell- a friend of Mimi V.M.

  3. Praise God! This has been my exact prayer. That God would be undeniable to the doctors. I give all the credit to God.

    I will pray for you and the stress and the decisions that have to be made in the upcoming days and weeks as well as continued prayers for Luka.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Continuing to hold you up in prayer, Josh and Mandy. Praying that God will continue His miracle of healing in little Luka's body!
    Love and prayers,
    Sue K.

  6. God works in miraculous ways. Continuing to keep you in our prayers! Love from the Sidekicks group at Ivanrest! :) Jen Rysdam

  7. will be in prayer for you, Luka and your family- God bless you all. this is exciting news- and thanks and praise be to God- He is powerful!

  8. Josh & Mandy...rejoicing with you! What a wonderful testimony of how faithful our God is and will continue to be in the days ahead. Praying continually for all of you as you face the challlenges and decisions ahead.
    Sending love and (((husgs))) to all of you.
    Jan P.
