Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 I don't know how to write about what goodbyes, transitions, and living in two different worlds means to a missionary.  I don't even know how to feel about leaving two girls behind at college now.  I feel for them crying and saying goodbye, getting calls and messages of them crying, feeling they have no home.  There is grieving, again.  Grieving the losses, the change.  It isn't that we don't want to go back to Uganda and serve the Lord, it's just hard.   And it's hard for the girls to do college with their family a world away.  

Hard doesn't mean wrong.  I say this a lot to myself and now my children.  It is in the hard things that we learn, grow, have faith, trust God and experience Him.  It's where God wants us to be, dependent on Him, even desperate for Him. 

Today before the sorting and packing, God spoke to me.

What I mean, brothers, is the time is short...those who buy something, live as if it were not theirs to keep, those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them.  For this world in its present form will pass away.

I would like you to be free from concern...I'm saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in the right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.

1 Corth. 7:29-35

This was exactly what I needed.  I feel it with living in two worlds and serving the Lord.  Paul challenges me to once again live an undivided life for the Lord.  Undivided, focused, on purpose, simple...  

I love the words Paul uses.  Buy as if you can't keep it (so true as a I sort, give away and pack!).  Use the worlds things but do not be engrossed = having all ones attention or interest absorbed by something!  It won't last.  I want you to be free!  Free of concern, worry, anxiety these things bring.  He says it for our good.  Live the right way.  With an undivided heart, devoted to God.


I like looking at other translations of a passage. devoted to the Lord without distraction. vs. 35 HCSB

I want you to be free from anxieties. vs. 32 ESV

...time is of essence...don't complicate your lives unnecessarily.  Keep it simple. vs 29 MSG

Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them.  vs 31 NLT

I really needed that reminder.  As we leave one home for another home, pack, sort, say bye, "sacrifice", even think about how much easier, better, nice, tempting it would be to have our own home in Michigan...  No.  It would divide my devotion to the Lord and His work.  That's the truth.  Live free of concern - how?  By knowing everything is temporary and live whole heartedly for God.  Undivided!  It's for my good.

God give me an undivided heart for You.  When I feel divided between worlds, homes, family, cultures, things, loves...put my focus back on You and Your mission in this world.  Nothing is mine.  I want to live free.  Without the worry of things.  Thank you for showing me again in this season that my heart belongs to You and no other.  That's freedom!

 I'm not sure this makes sense and how it brings peace to my mission life, but it does.  God gave me His Truth to hold onto in the hard.  An undivided heart for Him.  That's enough.  He's all I need.  Especially as we go.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Time to Go

 Our time in Michigan has been full and successful. We spoke at 17 supporting churches, taught the Freedom in Christ Course and the Grace Course, shared 3 times at Bible study, and spoke at a marriage gathering. We led middle school spiritual emphasis week, shared ministry updates with supporters, went through the Steps to Freedom with a friend. We brought 2 daughters to college, had two 2 surgeries, participated in a Live Nativity, hosted 2 ladies teas, reworked the marriage course, and went on our 25th anniversary get-away … Mission accomplished! 

Now it is time to once again uproot, pack up, and say goodbye. Transitions are hard. Pray for us as we make the journey back to Uganda, adjust, and join the ministry there once again. 

We will leave Michigan on February 4. After 19 hours of flying, a couple layovers, and crossing 9 time zones, we will arrive to Uganda on February 6. We will get home a few days later after visiting friends, recovering from jet-lag, and driving another 7 hours. 

Thank you for praying for us. Please continue to pray for the following requests. 

1. Our Family – pray for Grace and Lydia as they remain in the USA and the rest of us as we go back without them. May God provide home for them and comfort and strengthen each of us. 

2. Our Health – the last couple weeks has been exhausting. Ask God to keep us healthy during our transition back to life in Uganda. 

3. Pray for Mandy and a friend who will be going through the FIC Steps this week. 

4. Our Place in Uganda – In May, Michael was commissioned to replace Josh as the FIC director in Uganda. He is doing a great job. Pray that God shows us our role in Uganda now that we are in a new season of ministry. 

5. Homeschooling – Pray for Mandy, Luka, Emalai, and Makai as they complete the second semester by homeschooling. This is an adjustment for everyone. 

6. The Marriage Course – we have a producer booked to film the new Marriage Course in Tennessee August. Pray for Josh and the team as they bring the content, testimonies, and filming to completion. 

7. Pray for Josh as he oversees the development of new discipleship materials for Freedom in Christ. Pray for energy, wisdom, and God’s leading for how to do this well.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Grace Course

Just a few beautiful pictures from a meaningful ending to the FIC Grace Course with the Steps to Grace. And honor to grow together!

What people shared after the Grace Steps:
- Receiving the truth that God loves us no matter what.
- I feel so free! Fresh, new...
- I see growth in my life from when I did the Freedom in Christ Course to the Grace Course steps today.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas!

I was blessed with several Christmas Teas this year.
This one was at WAR which helps people here and around the world who have been trafficked.

These lovely ladies went with me to the Impact Christmas Tea at Reslife.

We went with my parents to Moody Bible Int. to see Lydia and go to the Candlelite Christmas Carols which included a Christmas market and Christmas activities.  So fun and special!

This isn't Christmas but it was incredibly special!
Lydia came up to Michigan with us to see Pilgrim.  It is the best visual of the Christian life, the spiritual battle and Christ with us.  It will change your life!  I am so thankful Lydia finally was able to see it with us and many from my Bible study went too.

My very special Heart to Heart group had a Christmas meal together.

I had the honor of doing the devotions.  I shared about the great exchange from John 1.  Jesus exchanged Heaven to come to earth as a baby to die and rise again so we can be forgiven and saved. Jesus gave Himself and always gives to us.  He wants our yuck, mess, pain and He gives us His peace, hope, and healing.  We get to exchange our junk for His grace.  John 1:16 says, "Out of His fullness we have all received grace upon grace."   

We all wrote something we wanted to give Jesus, something hard, painful or a need, and put it in the manger.  In exchange with took a present symbolizing the gift of grace Jesus wants to give to us.

So thankful for the Heart to Heart leaders who have included me.

We loved all the beautiful and fun snow!

Makai was determined to ice skate so he did it in the icy driveway one day.

We went to Christmas tree lighting, Christmas parade and other Christmas events.

Emalai and Makai practiced for the live nativity many a nights.

Makai had a little preschool Christmas program.
He sang his little heart out!

Just in time for his sisters to come back from college and see his program!

And we finally got to go ice skating for real!

Annual Christmas cookie making.

My Christmas Tea with friends.

We had such sweet fellowship around the Greatest Christmas story.
We reflected on how Jesus came in the most unexpected way, unexpected place and to the most unexpected people.  Jesus came for those in need, those waiting for Him, and those who would obey, worship, and share Him.  Where would Jesus come today?  To us?  Do we need Him?  Are we waiting for Him and ready to obey, worship and share Him?  Come Lord Jesus!  Make room in my heart today.   

Josh and I went on a date and to the Christmas market.

Celebrated my birthday with my family!

Beute family Christmas party.
All the grandkids.

The kids and in laws there.

Lydia danced the Sunday before Christmas.

So sweet...

Our family Christmas party.

Candlelite service.

Emalai was so excited that Luka got her a Stanley she cried!

Emalai did a flag dance Christmas morning in church.

Shaarda family party.

Emalai turned 12!

She pampered herself with a spa day!

Happy Birthday Emalai!  We love you!

Looking at Christmas lights.
Makai's personal favorite were ones to music.

Enjoying time together in the snowy woods!