Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Time to Go

 Our time in Michigan has been full and successful. We spoke at 17 supporting churches, taught the Freedom in Christ Course and the Grace Course, shared 3 times at Bible study, and spoke at a marriage gathering. We led middle school spiritual emphasis week, shared ministry updates with supporters, went through the Steps to Freedom with a friend. We brought 2 daughters to college, had two 2 surgeries, participated in a Live Nativity, hosted 2 ladies teas, reworked the marriage course, and went on our 25th anniversary get-away … Mission accomplished! 

Now it is time to once again uproot, pack up, and say goodbye. Transitions are hard. Pray for us as we make the journey back to Uganda, adjust, and join the ministry there once again. 

We will leave Michigan on February 4. After 19 hours of flying, a couple layovers, and crossing 9 time zones, we will arrive to Uganda on February 6. We will get home a few days later after visiting friends, recovering from jet-lag, and driving another 7 hours. 

Thank you for praying for us. Please continue to pray for the following requests. 

1. Our Family – pray for Grace and Lydia as they remain in the USA and the rest of us as we go back without them. May God provide home for them and comfort and strengthen each of us. 

2. Our Health – the last couple weeks has been exhausting. Ask God to keep us healthy during our transition back to life in Uganda. 

3. Pray for Mandy and a friend who will be going through the FIC Steps this week. 

4. Our Place in Uganda – In May, Michael was commissioned to replace Josh as the FIC director in Uganda. He is doing a great job. Pray that God shows us our role in Uganda now that we are in a new season of ministry. 

5. Homeschooling – Pray for Mandy, Luka, Emalai, and Makai as they complete the second semester by homeschooling. This is an adjustment for everyone. 

6. The Marriage Course – we have a producer booked to film the new Marriage Course in Tennessee August. Pray for Josh and the team as they bring the content, testimonies, and filming to completion. 

7. Pray for Josh as he oversees the development of new discipleship materials for Freedom in Christ. Pray for energy, wisdom, and God’s leading for how to do this well.

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